2024 Val-d’Oise Legislative Elections: Karine Lacouture takes the lead ahead of Naïma Moutchou and Sébastien Meurant is 3rd

2024 Val-d’Oise Legislative Elections: Karine Lacouture takes the lead ahead of Naïma Moutchou and Sébastien Meurant is 3rd
2024 Val-d’Oise Legislative Elections: Karine Lacouture takes the lead ahead of Naïma Moutchou and Sébastien Meurant is 3rd


Daniel Chollet

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 2:21 a.m.

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The second round of early legislative elections in the fourth constituency of Val-d’Oise (cantons ofErmont, Eaubonne, Franconville, Saint-Leu) will see three candidates compete.

Karine Lacouture (LFI) invested by the New Popular Front, finished in first place with 34.65% of the votes cast, followed by the outgoing deputy Naïma Moutchou (Horizons) supported by the majority coalition (Ensemble pour la République) with 27.89% while Sébastien Meurant, the candidate supported by the RN and the LR tendency Éric Ciotti is third with 26.22%. He can therefore maintain himself since he obtained 17.36% of registered voters (the threshold to reach the 2e round is set at 12.5% ​​of those registered).

All three will meet next Sunday for a second round which remains undecided, even if the candidate of the Union of the Left leaves with a significant lead of just under 7 points and 3,415 votes ahead .

The turnout in this constituency is 66.21%. Abstention is 32.49%. And there are 1.41% blank ballots and 0.51% invalid ballots.

Karine Lacouture’s reaction this Sunday evening.

“Victory is possible”

At the national level, the results of these anticipated legislative elections are terrible as the RN is at the gates of power. In the constituency, we are happy with the very strong participation and the good scores that we achieved in Ermont, Franconville, Eaubonne and even Saint-Leu. The RN is up sharply in the constituency but is not achieving scores as terrible as at the national level. We are going back into the campaign tomorrow because victory is possible.

Karine Lacouture (LFI) candidate for the New Popular Front.
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Sébastien Meurant’s reaction Sunday evening.

“I am combative”

“The results show that there are three blocks, one on the far left which is very high, made up of a team which is terrifying. This is a real danger in the riding. He advocates increased taxes, unbridled immigration and does not respect anything, not even electoral rules. And then there is the presidential camp which is resisting not too badly on the circus, this camp which is responsible for what is happening in the country. I remind you that there were riots a year ago. We present ourselves as a bulwark against this extreme left, with a program on security, defense, justice, a pragmatic economy. There will be a triangular one. I hope to recover the votes that were cast for the LR candidacy and the green candidate. I also hope to recover votes from those who voted for Karine Lacouture and Naïma Moutchou. I am combative. This is not an easy constituency. We will fight and motivate the troops to convince.”

Sébastien Meurant, candidate supported by the RN and the “Republicans on the right” (the LR supported by Éric Ciotti).

Requested several times this Sunday and the previous days, neither her collaborators nor Naïma Moutchou responded to our requests for a reaction.

Fabrice David, former elected official of Franconville, who presents himself as the Ile-de-France delegate of the New Ecologists, this Sunday evening provides his full support to Sébastien Meurant and his deputy Jean-Pierre Enjalbert, the former mayor of Saint-Prix and former general advisor, recalling the associative past and defender of the environmental cause, of Jean-Pierre Enjalbert, within the Flamme Verte.

“I am happy that he is joining the momentum launched by Jordan Bardella and Eric Ciotti by being the substitute for Sébastien Meurant, former senator, former mayor, former general councilor, former president of the Republicans of our department. I call on all voters of the New Ecologists to vote en masse for Sébastien Meurant and Jean-Pierre Enjalbert this Sunday, July 7.”

Fabrice David, regional delegate of the New Ecologists.


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