2024 legislative elections: Aurélien Lopez-Liguori (RN) winner by K.-0. on the 7th constituency of Hérault

2024 legislative elections: Aurélien Lopez-Liguori (RN) winner by K.-0. on the 7th constituency of Hérault
2024 legislative elections: Aurélien Lopez-Liguori (RN) winner by K.-0. on the 7th constituency of Hérault

The outgoing MP will not need a second round to win the 7th constituency. He is re-elected with 51.66% of the vote. A slap in the face for his opponents, Gabriel Blasco (New Popular Front) and Jocelyne Gizardin (Horizons).

Clean and without a hitch. Aurélien Lopez-Liguori struck hard in the 7th constituency, where he won in the first round. With 51.66% of the vote (turnout up sharply to 67.84%), the outgoing RN MP did better than the forecasts, which suggested a three-way race against Gabriel Blasco (New Popular Front) and Jocelyne Gizardin (Horizons).

Blasco and Gizardin swept away

If his two challengers failed in their quest for victory, the blow is particularly harsh for Gabriel Blasco, who qualified for the second round two years ago, under the Nupes banner. The PCF member, the only committed member of his party in Hérault, only totaled 25.37% of the votes, this Sunday. His progression (18,415 votes, against 11,278 in the first round two years ago) does not allow him to slow down Lopez-Liguori. Jocelyne Gizardin, for whom this legislative campaign was a first, peaked at 21.52%. Her positioning, that of the union of the right and the center, did not turn out to be a winning bet. It is, moreover, a second setback in her personal name. The municipal councilor from Sète having already failed in the last departmental elections against a certain… Gabriel Blasco.

Sète won, Agde consolidated

Aurélien Lopez-Liguori, for his part, can savor and measure the gaps with his pursuers. He is ahead everywhere. His victory in Sète (41.06%, 9,057 votes) is a major success. He had only achieved 23.11% of the votes in the first round in 2022 (3,659 votes), even ahead of Gabriel Blasco (eleven candidates in the running). The latter is also progressing on the singular island in number of votes (7,534, against 4,664 in 2022), but is not taking off (34.16% of the votes, against 29.46% two years ago). Yet elected in Sète, where she is delegated to social action with the mayor François Commeinhes, Jocelyne Gizardin did not come to challenge the hierarchy (5,147 votes, 23.33%).

Reactions from Gabriel Blasco and Jocelyne Gizardin

Gabriel Blasco
“This election confirms the fears we had about the RN taking over the territory. It’s hard to take collectively. But something happened among the people of the left. I thank those who participated in this campaign. The union was complete and wholehearted. When we analyze Jocelyne Gizardin’s score, we see that the right-wing electorate has made its choice. It votes RN without complexes. The glass ceiling has exploded, but I hope for an awareness at the national level.”

Jocelyne Gizardin
“We thank the voters who trusted us. The anger on the evening of this first round is legitimate. But the demagogic and economically untenable solutions proposed by the parties of the two leading blocs will not provide any solution to our country. The sinister spectacles to which they have accustomed us within the National Assembly will therefore continue. Difficult times await us.”

“We see this evening a great national wavereacted the re-elected MP. In the constituency, it is the work on the ground that is rewarded. When the people vote, the people win. The French are reclaiming their Republic. They trust us. Locally, we are winning everywhere, including in Sète. These were not our strongholds, we now see that they are everywhere in the territory.”


Stronghold of the National Rally vote, Agde also brought the outgoing deputy to the top of the vote, credited with 58.68% of the votes. For comparison, he totaled 37.58% of the votes in the first round in 2022, a jump of more than twenty points. A satisfaction for the elected representative from Agatha of the National Rally, Fabienne Varesano, who says she “delighted, of course. We knew that this election would be historic at the national level, it is just as historic at the local level.” A municipality where Jocelyne Gizardin (22.32%) and Gabriel Blasco (17.49%) only pick up crumbs. The same goes for Pinet (62.98%), Pomérols (62.28%), Bessan (62.45%), Vias (60.77%) and Abeilhan (60.43%), five municipalities where the RN candidate exceeds 60%. A solid bastion of Blasco two years ago, Pézenas also fell into the hands of the re-elected MP (40.08%).



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