What to do with your dog this summer if you’re not going away?

What to do with your dog this summer if you’re not going away?
What to do with your dog this summer if you’re not going away?

Staying home this summer? Discover the different activities to do with your dog during the holidays, whether you are going for a walk, at the beach or for sports activities, according to the advice of Julie Willems, animal behaviorist.

The holidays are coming up and you’re staying at home? That doesn’t mean you have to give up exciting activities with your faithful four-legged friend. Animal behaviorist Julie Willems emphasizes the importance of discovering new places during summer walks with your dog: “It’s an opportunity to discover Belgium and to discover it with your dog”She recommends discovering new tourist spots such as Floreffe Abbey, Villers-la-Ville Abbey or the Ardennes, to offer your dog varied experiences.

Changing routes during walks is also crucial for your dog’s well-being, explains Julie: “Always taking the same walk means always smelling the same odors, seeing the same things, hearing the same noises, so it’s boring. It’s a bit like watching the same show on repeat every night.”.

If you are planning a day at the seaside, it is worth noting that there is a special dog beach in Bredene, where pets are allowed all year round. Julie Willems adds: “It’s a chance for him to meet other dogs and swim, if they like water.”.

Sports activities are also a good idea, provided they are adapted to your dog’s breed and abilities, says Julie Willems: “It’s also an opportunity to do sports activities like mountain biking, jogging, rollerblading. You can actually do lots of things with your dog. It requires a little bit of training, but not as much as you might think.”.

Finally, Julie Willems encourages dog owners to participate in group activities to encourage their pets’ social interactions: “It is obviously necessary for dogs to have social contact with their peers,” she insists. Dog walks supervised by a behaviorist help reassure owners and ensure positive interactions between dogs.

For more information on activities to do with your dog, you can visit the website animalbehaviour.be or the Facebook page Animal Behavior Center.



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