Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Gujan-Mestras (33470) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Gujan-Mestras (33470) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Gujan-Mestras (33470) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:52 – A left-wing bloc estimated at between 18% and 23% in Gujan-Mestras for these legislative elections

The New Ecological and Social Popular Union, which is already dead despite its performance in the last legislative elections, will it see its voters from that time go directly to the Popular Front this Sunday? The Glucksmann list had obtained 15.31% in Gujan-Mestras a few days ago. However, in the municipality, it will also be necessary to take into account the 3.43% of Manon Aubry (La France insoumise), the 4.01% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 1.65% of Léon Deffontaine (PCF). In other words, a cumulative total of around 23% on site. During the first round of the last legislative elections, in 2022, the Nupes candidacy had also accumulated 18.52% of the votes in the municipality. A boost to finally be completed with the 21% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election which preceded it (14.42% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 4.54% for Yannick Jadot, 2.16% for Fabien Roussel and 1.57% for Anne Hidalgo).

18:42 – The rapid evolution of the National Rally in Gujan-Mestras in 5 years

What can we conclude from all these scores? The RN has already gained 10 points at the municipal level between its share of votes in the 2019 European elections and the equivalent in 2024. A nice package of votes. At this rate, we can therefore conclude that the RN will be at nearly 30% or even more in Gujan-Mestras on the evening of June 30, for the first round of the legislative elections.

15:31 – Bardella in his national average in Gujan-Mestras in the European elections

Looking at the last electoral experience also seems sensible when considering the elections for these legislative elections. It is in fact the Jordan Bardella list which won the 2024 European elections in Gujan-Mestras, with 32.52% of the ballots, or 3,365 votes in the city, ahead of the list carried by Valérie Hayer with 18.62% , itself followed by the list of Raphaël Glucksmann with 15.31%.

14:32 – Emmanuel Macron beat Le Pen and Mélenchon in Gujan-Mestras in the first round of the last presidential election

The political side of a city’s residents often emerges most visibly in the choices made during the election of the person who will preside over France. Gujan-Mestras had preferred Emmanuel Macron for the first round of the 2022 presidential election. With 23.43%, Marine le Pen was distanced in second place by her rival, credited with 31.92% of the vote. Gujan-Mestras only had a third and fourth place to offer to Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Éric Zemmour, with 14.42% and 8.89% of the vote. And the RN candidate was unable to regain the advantage in the second round, with 42.28% against 57.72%.

12:32 – What score in Gujan-Mestras for Ensemble in the legislative elections?

The result of the 2024 legislative elections at the local level will be viewed through the prism of Lepenist dynamics, as at the national level. During the last legislative elections in Gujan-Mestras, the RN finished in second position on the podium, 18.63% of residents passing the polls having chosen their pair, compared to 35.63% for Sophie Panonacle (Together!) in the first round . In the second round, he still failed to win in the city, once again leaving first place to the Ensemble! (60.54%). Sophie Panonacle therefore retained her lead there.

11:02 – Understanding the electorate of Gujan-Mestras: a look at local demographics

The demographic and socio-economic factors of Gujan-Mestras reveal clear trends likely to impact the outcome of the legislative elections. The unemployment rate at 12.82% may have an effect on residents’ expectations regarding work measures. With a population density of 385 inhabitants per km² and 42.23% active population, can we expect greater voter mobilization? The percentage of families not owning a car (25.6%) shows less dependence on the automobile, which can affect the 9,375 voters on issues of mobility and road development. The number of single-parent families (15.18%) highlights the need for family support, and the percentage of employees on fixed-term contracts (9.01%) highlights employment stability challenges. A secondary residence rate of 15.04%, as in Gujan-Mestras, indicates the presence of a more affluent population. This can impact residents’ political engagement on issues related to the environment, urban development and the local economy.

09:32 – Legislative elections in Gujan-Mestras: return on electoral participation

To get a more precise idea of ​​how voters in this city voted, we need to analyze the results of previous elections. At the beginning of June, at the time of the European elections, the turnout reached 56.4% of those registered on the electoral lists of Gujan-Mestras (Gironde), compared with a turnout of 53.82% for the 2019 election. As a reminder, in the city, the turnout for the 2022 legislative elections was 50.77% in the first round. In the second round, 48.46% of voters turned out. Two years ago, in the second round of the presidential election, among the 18,376 people of voting age in the city, 76.82% went to the polls. Turnout was 78.78% in the first round, i.e. 14,476 people.

08:02 – Stay informed about the legislative elections in Gujan-Mestras

The 17 polling stations in the Gujan-Mestras agglomeration (from Salle des Fetes to Ecole Gambetta) are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to welcome residents. The legislative elections are an opportunity for the 18,465 voters of Gujan-Mestras to give their opinion on the way in which the country is organized. In the event that the union of the left or the far right obtains a majority of deputies in the Assembly, cohabitation could occur, forcing the president to appoint a Prime Minister from an opposing political current to govern. Among the forces present in the 8th constituency of Gironde, who will manage to mobilize the greatest number of votes in Gujan-Mestras? Don’t forget to bring your voter card and an identity document (national identity card, passport, driving license, etc.) to be able to vote.



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