Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Belfort (90000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Belfort (90000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Belfort (90000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – Will the New Popular Front benefit from the votes of Nupes in Belfort?

Will Nupes, which fizzled out, see its result swing towards the Popular Front this Sunday? The windfall turns out to be significant: during the first round of the deputy elections two years ago, in Belfort, Nupes had in fact accumulated 30.57% of the votes if we include the 2 constituencies covering the city. A performance to be compared with the 36% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the cumulative scores of all the red, green and pink candidates. During the European elections more recently, Raphaël Glucksmann obtained 12.4% in Belfort. But the left could be much higher this evening, since the new coalition virtually stands at 35% this time, adding the scores of Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and Léon Deffontaine (PCF).

18:42 – The National Rally in figures before the legislative elections in Belfort

What can we learn from this mass of data? If we look at the progress of the RN that emerged from the last elections on a national scale, i.e. 8 points more for the Bardella list in 2024 than in 2019, the score of the RN candidate has every chance of being very close to 20% in Belfort. A projection that seems to fit with the votes also won by the party in the locality in 5 years and which indeed corresponds to 4 points of vote share.

15:31 – A 26.48% in the national average for Bardella in Belfort at the start of the month

Looking back at the very last electoral test seems even more obvious, when analyzing the vote of this June 30. Because what came out of the elections a few days ago is evocative. It is indeed the list presented by Bardella that won the 2024 European elections in Belfort, with 26.48% of the votes cast, or 3,116 votes in the city, ahead of the list led by Manon Aubry with 17.6%, which itself had overtaken the list of Valérie Hayer with 13.02%.

14:32 – 29.54% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the 2022 presidential election in Belfort

The political side of a city’s inhabitants probably emerges the most in the presidential election result. Jean-Luc Mélenchon with 29.54% and Emmanuel Macron with 24.24% were the virtual finalists at the end of the first round of the election of the head of state in Belfort. The double finalist at the national level only finished here with 19.89% of the votes. In the second round, Emmanuel Macron won with 60.82% ahead of Marine Le Pen (39.18%).

12:32 – What can the scores of the 2022 legislative elections show for Belfort?

In the first round of the 2022 legislative elections, Belfort, covered by 2 constituencies, will see the Nupes candidates win with 30.57%, while the RN will be left behind at 14.48%. There will be no improvement in the second round, the movement being still absent and leaving room for the Les Républicains candidates for local leadership.

11:02 – Local issues in Belfort: demographic overview

A few hours before the announcement of the results of the legislative elections, Belfort is teeming with diversity and activities. With its 45,155 inhabitants, this cosmopolitan agglomeration reflects the cultural wealth of contemporary France. With 3,113 companies, Belfort offers an environment favorable to innovation and entrepreneurship. The percentage of households with at least one car (61.15%) underlines the weight of mobility and infrastructure issues in citizens’ questions. With 6,018 foreign residents, Belfort ranks as an example of multiculturalism. With an average monthly net salary of 2,333.7 euros per month, the city has an unemployment rate of 20.43%, synonymous with a precarious economic situation. In Belfort, where young people represent 40% of the population, the elections symbolize the opportunity for a shared and flourishing future.

09:32 – What will be the abstention in the legislative elections in Belfort?

The study of previous political consultations allows us to get an idea of ​​the vote of the voters of this municipality. On the occasion of the European elections at the beginning of June, 24,522 registered on the electoral lists of Belfort (Territoire de Belfort) went to the polls (i.e. 49.26%), compared to a participation of 46.26% five years ago. years. As a reminder, in the municipality, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections represented 45.56% in the first round and only 42.75% in the second round. Can we predict participation this year in Belfort? During the second round of the presidential election, among the 24,216 people of voting age in the municipality, 66.14% went to the voting booth, compared to a participation of 70.68% in the first round, or 17,116 people.

08:02 – At what time do the 29 polling stations in Belfort close?

To vote, residents of the town will be able to go to the polls between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., the opening hours of the 29 polling stations in Belfort. New legislative elections in Belfort will be organized this Sunday, following Emmanuel Macron’s surprise decision concerning the renewal of French parliamentarians. The last dissolution dating from 1997, during the first presidency of Jacques Chirac, what should we expect this year? Among the three major forces present, who from the National Rally, the left bloc, the majority coalition will succeed in convincing the greatest number of voters in the municipality? To vote, it is necessary to be registered on the electoral roll and to provide proof of identity.



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