Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Alès (30100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Alès (30100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Alès (30100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – A left-wing vote estimated at between 27% and 31% in Alès for these legislative elections

While Nupes had marked the last legislative elections, but disappeared today, a new coalition emerged in 2024. Which leaves uncertainty over the left vote this Sunday. The list led by Raphaël Glucksmann and allied with the PS finished at 10.8% in Alès a few days ago. A score which should improve in the legislative elections, since the revamped union can theoretically reach 31% this time, adding up the results of Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and Léon Deffontaine (PCF). The bar is high: during the first round of the Assembly elections two years ago, in Alès, Nupes had also accumulated 27.88% of the votes in all of the 2 constituencies corresponding to the city. A breakthrough to finally be completed with the 32% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the cumulative scores of all the red, green and pink candidates.

18:42 – How far can the RN go during the legislative elections in Alès?

Despite rapid and sometimes radical changes, some conclusions are still necessary. The RN’s progress is already strong in Alès between Jordan Bardella’s score in 2019 (30.32%) and the one it obtained on June 9 in the European elections (36.83%), of the order of 6 points. But the rise promises to be even greater in the 2024 legislative elections, with polling institutes giving the RN a result of 30 to 35% across the country, much higher than the 18.68% at the time. The RN could thus find itself very close to 30% locally on June 30, if the dynamics were the same as for the European elections, or even higher depending on the polling dynamics.

15:31 – What result for the European elections in Alès on June 9?

The verdict which was established during the last elections on June 9 undoubtedly remains even more anchored in people’s minds. In detail, 4,546 voters from Alès in fact turned to the National Rally list a few days ago, in the European elections. The list, headed by Jordan Bardella, accumulated 36.83% of the votes against Manon Aubry at 13.36% and Valérie Hayer at 11.35%.

14:32 – 26.37% for Marine Le Pen in the first round of the presidential election in Alès

The electoral community of Alès had voted for Marine Le Pen at the end of the election for the presidency of the Republic in 2022. The number 1 of the RN won with 26.37% in the first round. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron were distanced at 26.14% and 21.43% of the votes. Éric Zemmour had to settle for fourth place with 8.13% of the votes. The RN candidate, however, lost to Emmanuel Macron in the second round with 48.35% against 51.65%.

12:32 – The last legislative session, a useful reminder for tonight’s results in Alès

The verdict of the most recent legislative election may seem like a key indicator at the time of the election of June 30 and July 7. During the last legislative elections in Alès, the RN finished in second place, with 23.99% of voters voting for its representatives on average in the 2 constituencies of the commune, compared to 27.88% on average for the candidates New Popular Ecological and Social Union. Arnaud Bord (NUP) in the 4th constituency with 26.9% and Michel Sala (NUP) in the 5th constituency with 29.63% respectively came out on top in Alès in the first round. In the following round, however, he collected 51.66% of the votes, ahead of the LFI-PS-PC-EELV candidates (48.34%). In detail, the winners of this second round in the city were Pierre Meurin (RN) in the 4th constituency with 52.67% and Michel Sala (NUP) in the 5th constituency with 50.11%.

11:02 – Alès: analysis of socio-economic and electoral factors

In the municipality of Alès, will the population have an impact on the results of the legislative elections? The unemployment rate at 25.87% could affect voters’ hopes regarding labor policies. With 37.16% of the working population and a population density of 1,707 inhabitants/km², can we expect a stronger mobilization of voters? An average net monthly salary of 1,943.87 euros per month may be an expression of local economic difficulties. Furthermore, the presence of a foreign population of 8.11% and an immigrant population of 10.08% indicates issues of intercultural cohabitation. The percentage of students, estimated at 7.3% in Alès, highlights the presence of a young and educated population, sensitive to measures relating to education and student housing.

09:32 – The mobilization of citizens in the legislative elections in Alès

In order to more precisely identify the vote of the citizens of this city, it is necessary to observe the results of the last electoral meetings. During the European elections of June 2024, 26,561 registered voters in Alès took part in the vote (i.e. 47.69%), compared with a participation of 46.94% during the 2019 election. As a reminder, in the city, the participation rate in the 2022 legislative elections was 41.58% in the first round. In the second round, 41.84% of voters turned out. What will the participation rate be in Alès for the 2024 legislative elections? In April 2022, in the first round of the last presidential election, the participation rate rose to 68.18% of those registered on the city’s electoral lists, compared to a participation of 65.29% in the second round, i.e. 17,413 people.

08:02 – Until what time can you vote in Alès (30100)?

On this election day, Alès voters already took part in a vote three weeks ago, during the European elections. Two years ago, during the previous legislative elections, the RN won 89 seats in the Assembly, and 245 for the presidential majority. Among the forces present in the city’s 2 constituencies, who will succeed in obtaining the most votes in Alès? Note that the 28 polling stations in the municipality of Alès will close their doors at 18 hours. To view the results in Alès, go to this page from 8 p.m.



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