Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Metz (57000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Metz (57000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Metz (57000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:54 – The left with the RN and Ensemble in a handkerchief in Metz for these 2024 legislative elections?

The other source of doubt surrounding these 2024 legislative elections will be that of the weight of the left after the creation of the Popular Front, a year after the disappearance of the coalition led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. During the first round of deputy elections two years ago, in Metz, Nupes had in fact gleaned 30.53% of the votes in all 3 constituencies of the city. A figure to compare with the 34% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election (27.19% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 5.5% for Yannick Jadot, 1.75% for Fabien Roussel and 1.68% for Anne Hidalgo). The Glucksmann list more recently gleaned 15.65% in Metz for the single round of Europeans. But it is 36% that the left can on the other hand aim for this time, the share of votes of the leader Place Publique being inflated with those of the LFI list of Manon Aubry (14.47%), of the ecologist Marie Toussaint (6 .35%) and finally Léon Deffontaine (1.72%).

18:42 – What score for the RN in Metz during the legislative elections?

Despite rapid and sometimes radical developments, some conclusions are nevertheless necessary. If in France, opinion surveys estimate an increase of the RN at almost fifteen points in the 2024 legislative elections compared to its result in the last legislative elections (which would theoretically bring Jordan Bardella’s party to nearly 30% in the municipality ), we note however that it has so far only taken 3 points more between the 2019 Europeans and those of June 9 on site. The explosion of the RN could therefore be less strong locally.

15:31 – 23.96% for the RN in Metz three weeks ago

Looking back a few days may also seem logical when analyzing the election of this Sunday, June 30, the result of the elections of June 9 being significant. A few weeks ago in fact, in Metz, the RN list, headed by Jordan Bardella, won, gleaning 23.96% of the votes ahead of Valérie Hayer at 16.14% and Raphaël Glucksmann at 15, 65%.

2:32 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron advantage in Metz in the first round of the last presidential election

The election to the presidency of the Republic is undoubtedly the benchmark for evaluating a local political preference. In the voting booths of Metz, Marine Le Pen was not really popular during the first round of the election of the head of state in 2022. With a shy 17.48%, the head of the National Rally was left behind by Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon respectively 30.4% and 27.19% of the vote. It is ultimately the outgoing president who will win with 67.19% against 32.81% for Le Pen in the second round in the locality.

12:32 – What was the result of the legislative elections two years ago in Metz?

At the local and national level, Jordan Bardella’s result in the legislative elections will be very instructive. The RN completely missed the first march in the commune of Metz in 2022, during the elections of deputies, with 14.93% in the first round, compared to 30.53% for the candidates New ecological and social popular union on average overall voters spread over the 3 constituencies of the municipality. Metz will also choose candidates from the same party in the second round, winning over all voters in the municipality with 56.45%.

11:02 – Metz: demography, elections and political strategies

At the heart of the legislative election campaign, Metz is perceived as a dynamic and active municipality. With its 120,874 inhabitants, this agglomeration presents itself as a symbol of openness. The existence of 10,316 companies on its territory is proof of dynamism. In the agglomeration, 40% of the population is aged 0 to 29, and 21.64% are over 60, which can affect the priorities of measures in terms of education and health. The 15,603 foreign residents participate in this cultural variety. With an average monthly net salary of €2,213.54 per month, the municipality reveals an unemployment rate of 15.95%, revealing a fragile economic situation. In Metz, where young people make up 40% of the population, the elections are the promise of a common and flourishing future.

09:32 – The legislative elections are underway in Metz

In Metz, one of the keys to the 2024 legislative elections will be the extent of participation. As a reminder, in the urban area, the abstention rate in the 2022 legislative elections was 58.03% in the first round and only 60.17% in the second round. What rate will abstention reach in Metz for the legislative elections? As a reminder, at the national level, the abstention percentage in the 2022 legislative elections was 52% in the first round and 54% in the second round. During the first round of the last presidential election, out of the 70,385 people of voting age in the urban area, 33.96% refused to go to their polling station, compared to an abstention rate of 35.85% in the second round.

08:02 – Election day in Metz: timetables for the 72 polling stations

The 2024 legislative elections offer the possibility to the 70,912 voters of Metz to express their opinion on the way in which France is governed. In the event that the left or the National Rally obtains a majority in the Legislative Assembly, cohabitation could occur, forcing the president to appoint a Prime Minister from an opposing political movement to govern. Among the forces present in the 3 constituencies of the agglomeration, who will manage to obtain the most votes in Metz? It is important to emphasize that the opening hours of the 72 polling stations in Metz (from Ecole Maternelle Les Isles to Ecole Primaire Vincent Van Gogh) are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. without interruption. The publication of the results in Metz will take place here from 8 p.m.



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