Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saintes (17100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saintes (17100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Saintes (17100) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – Voters of the former Nupes closely followed

With the New Popular and Social Union (Nupes) having exploded, which ballot will its voters turn to during these new elections in 2024? What share will opt for the New Popular Front? The answer is complex. The reserve of votes seems substantial in Saintes. During the first round of the elections for deputies two years ago, in Saintes, the Nupes duo had in fact obtained 26.73% of the votes in the locality. How many will vote for the Popular Front, combining France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, Europe-Ecologie, the Communist Party and others, and announced in a close fight with the majority in the opinion polls? The PS-Place publique list led by Raphaël Glucksmann more recently accumulated 18.98% in Saintes on June 9. But the left is given a higher score on June 30, since the revamped coalition virtually stands at 34% this time, adding the scores of Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and Léon Deffontaine (PCF).

18:42 – A notable progression of the National Rally in Saintes

So what can we learn from this combination of data? While at the national level, Jordan Bardella’s scores peaked at more than 30% of the votes in the European elections in June, or around 8 points more than in the 2019 European elections, the local progression appears even more powerful. The party has in fact already gained 8 points there between 2019 and 2024. There are therefore reasons to think that the RN will end up at around 20% in Saintes this June 30, for the first round of the legislative elections.

15:31 – A 26.37% in the national average for Bardella in Saintes on June 9

You also need to go back a few weeks when familiarizing yourself with the legislative elections. The result of the RN list, with a certain Jordan Bardella at the head of the list in the European elections in June, was in fact at its highest in Saintes, at 26.37%, or 2,533 votes in the city. The Eurosceptic movement then doubled Raphaël Glucksmann to 18.98% and Valérie Hayer to 16.44%.

14:32 – Emmanuel Macron above Le Pen and Mélenchon in Saintes during the last presidential election

Marine Le Pen was not served in Saintes in the first round of the 2022 presidential election, collecting only 19.18% compared to 29.23% for Emmanuel Macron and 24.09% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The second round will leave the head of the RN in the lurch, Emmanuel Macron winning the support of voters with 63.29% against 36.71% for Le Pen.

12:32 – Gérald Dahan (New Popular Ecological and Social Union) in the lead in the 2022 legislative elections in Saintes

In the legislative elections two years ago, the RN failed in the first round in the city of Saintes, gaining 14.74% of the votes there, against 26.73% for Gérald Dahan (New Popular Ecological and Social Union). In the second round, the RN also failed, this time leaving first place to the competitors labeled Ensemble! (60.14% against 39.86% for the RN). On the other hand, it was Jean-Philippe Ardouin (Ensemble!) who won this time.

11:02 – Saintes: when demographic data shapes the ballot boxes

What impact will the population of Saintes have on the outcome of the legislative elections? With an unemployment rate of 16.68% and a population density of 555 inhabitants/km², the issues related to unemployment and housing are major subjects. The rate of households owning at least one car (70.21%) shows the weight of transport and road development issues in the questions of the 9,271 citizens with a voter card. In addition, indicators such as the number of RSA beneficiaries (4.01%) and the number of HLM residences (16.89% of housing) indicate the economic and social issues that worry residents. Data on education in Saintes highlight significant disparities in terms of education levels, with 16.09% of residents having obtained only the baccalaureate for example. The significant gap between education levels could have repercussions on employment opportunities and social inclusion.

09:32 – It’s time to vote in Saintes: the legislative elections begin

In Saintes (17100), participation will undoubtedly be one of the great unknowns of these 2024 legislative elections. In the second round of the last presidential election, among the 19,103 registered voters in the city, 70.55% went to vote. The turnout was 73.6% in the first round, i.e. 14,060 people. As a reminder, in the city, the turnout in the 2022 legislative elections was 48.42% in the first round. In the second round, 44.4% of citizens exercised their right to vote. The increase in the price of everyday life, which is weighing on families’ finances, is particularly likely to qualify the interest of the vote in the eyes of the inhabitants of Saintes.

08:02 – Everything you need to know about the legislative elections in Saintes

This June 30, 2024, it has only been three weeks since the voters of Saintes participated in the European elections. Two years ago, during the previous legislative elections, the left-wing coalition obtained 131 seats in the Assembly, while the RN grabbed 89. Among the list present in the 3rd constituency of Charente-Maritime, which will reach to mobilize the greatest number of votes in Saintes (17100)? To vote, residents of the city have the opportunity to go to the voting booth between 8am and 6pmopening hours of the 19 polling stations in Saintes. The dissemination of results in Saintes will begin here at 8 p.m.



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