2024 Legislative Elections. These cities in the Pyrénées-Orientales voted overwhelmingly for the RN

2024 Legislative Elections. These cities in the Pyrénées-Orientales voted overwhelmingly for the RN
2024 Legislative Elections. These cities in the Pyrénées-Orientales voted overwhelmingly for the RN


Thibaut Calatayud

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 12:42 AM
; updated on July 1, 2024 at 12:54 a.m.

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It was expected. It is now confirmed at the polls. This Sunday, June 30, 2024, the National gathering (RN) dominated the first round of the legislative elections. For this first round, the party chaired by Jordan Bardella managed to bring together 12 million voters in France, including 118,478 in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

In the Catalan country, the RN comes first in almost all municipalities (167 of 226). Some voted more massively than others for one of the four far-right candidates. We take stock.

RN scores more than 50% in 36 cities

Here are the cities* in the Pyrénées-Orientales where the National Rally candidates won more than 50% voices. They number 36 :

  • Le Barcarès: 63.14%
  • Pia : 62,60 %
  • Latour-Bas-Elne: 60.73%
  • Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque: 59.05%
  • Claira : 59,00%
  • Saint-Hippolyte: 58.60%
  • Espira-de-l’Agly: 58.02%
  • Saint-Nazaire: 57.86%
  • Pollestres : 57,37%
  • Salses-le-Château: 57.36%
  • Sainte-Marie-la-Mer: 57.24%
  • Saleilles : 56,26%
  • Saint-Féliu-d’Avall : 55.82%
  • Saint-Cyprien: 55.80%
  • Le Boulou: 55.27%
  • Pézilla-la-Rivière: 54.93%
  • Corneilla-la-Rivière: 54.70%
  • Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda: 54.64%
  • Drops: 54.57%
  • Estagel : 54,52%
  • Corneilla-del-Vercol: 54.28%
  • Trouillas: 54.23%
  • Le Soler: 54.21%
  • Ponteilla : 53.78%
  • Canet-en-Roussillon: 53.77%
  • Odor : 53,39%
  • Bompas : 53,32%
  • Saint-André: 52.49%
  • Berries: 52.42%
  • Saint-Estève: 52.17%
  • Miles: 51.52%
  • Alenya: 51.30%
  • Elne: 51.11%
  • Llupia : 50,39%
  • Palau-del-Vidre: 50.17%
  • Crane: 50.00%

RN at 48.87% in the Pyrénées-Orientales

In total, the National Rally collected 118,478 votes out of 242,415 votes cast in the Pyrénées-Orientales, i.e. a historic overall score of 48.87%.

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In the departement, 15 other cities have totaled a score including between 45% and 50% in favor of the RN. These are:

  • Saint-Jean-Pla-de-Corts : 49.77%
  • Théza : 49,39%
  • Saint-Génis-des-Fontaines: 49.35%
  • Rivesaltes: 49.07%
  • Villeneuve-de-la-Raho : 48.74%
  • Argelès-sur-Mer: 48.03%
  • Ille-sur-Têt: 47.53%
  • Port-Vendres: 47.45%
  • Canohès : 47,29%
  • Torreilles : 47,17%
  • Arles-sur-Tech: 46.95%
  • Capstan : 46.62%
  • Sorède : 46,11%
  • Maureillas-las-Illas: 46.23%
  • Toulouges: 45.70%

The gap narrows in Prades and Céret, the RN remains in the lead

In the sept last towns with more than 2,000 inhabitants in the Pyrénées-Orientales, the National Rally also comes first. But the gaps are a little tighter with the candidates of the New Popular Front (NFP).

This is particularly the case at Ceret (39.04% for the RN, 35.24% for the NFP), meadows (39.96% for the RN, 34.62% for the NFP) and on part of Perpignan. Indeed, if the Perpignan residents of the 3e constituency placed Sandrine Dogor-Such (RN) in the lead (37.42%), her rival Nathalie Cullell (NFP) is not far away with 34.44% of the votes cast.

Here are the RN scores in the last seven municipalities with more than 2,000 inhabitants:

  • Thuir: 43.78%
  • Laroque-des-Albères: 43.26%
  • Perpignan: 41.1% (three constituencies)
  • Meadows: 39.96%
  • Ceret: 39.04%
  • Banyuls-sur-Mer: 38.42%
  • Collioure: 35.73%

In this first round, the four outgoing female deputies (RN) came out on top in their respective constituencies. Only Anaïs Sabatini (2e constituency) was re-elected in this first round with, in particular, record scores in the Barcares (63.14%) or to Pia (62,60%).

*Only towns and municipalities with more than 2,000 inhabitants were analyzed

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