Two losers call for voting for Sacha Houlié

Two losers call for voting for Sacha Houlié
Two losers call for voting for Sacha Houlié

While Sacha Houlié (Ensemble) came out on top, ahead of Valérie Soumaille (NFP) and Estelle Chevallier (RN), two of the eliminated candidates have already called on voters to vote for the outgoing MP and against the extremists.

Sacha Houlié (Ensemble). “I am in the lead: I thank the voters who chose to trust me from the first round. I know that they have different sensibilities and have gone far beyond the camps to support me. For the second round, I am the only candidate who represents the values ​​of democracy and the Republic, I thank Aurélien Bourdier and Xavier Augay for their support, explicit or implicit. I know that the sensitivity of their voters will only be partly taken up by the ideas that I defend, but I will represent them better than the other candidates. We will campaign night and day next week to be able to win.”

Valérie Soumaille (New Popular Front). “What is reassuring is to be ahead of the RN. We have no reason to withdraw, we will continue our campaign to prevent the policy of withdrawal into oneself. We are holding on, we are 2,500 votes behind Sacha Houlié. Aurélien Bourdier is calling for a vote for him: we are going to address his voters who will not look favorably on a dissident socialist who is calling for a vote for Macron…”

Estelle Chevallier (National Rally). “I am very honored by the trust of the citizens of the second constituency. The RN has largely exceeded expectations in the department. For the second round, I will be on the ground and will do everything I can to mobilize, to make those who doubt believe in us. Faced with the Macronist and New Popular Front candidates, we are here to listen to everyone.”

Aurélien Bourdier (Socialist Party). “We knew that it would be extremely difficult to defend an autonomous candidacy in such a context, with strong national dynamics. My score seems honorable and meets a real need between France Insoumise and Sacha Houlié, for voters who did not want to vote “against” in the first round. Given the results, I call for voting for the best placed candidate, in this case Sacha Houlié. The messages I received during this campaign reinforce my idea that we cannot take a common path with LFI. At the national level, the only solution to avoid the RN is a government of national unity. »

Xavier Augay (Various right). “I got almost 3% of the vote, without being visible. There was no other right-wing candidate in this constituency, I allow the RN to be a little less high. For the second round, voters are free to choose, but I invite the people who trusted me, on a new name, to stand together against the extremes. For me, Sacha Houlié is one of the people who are responsible for an RN with more than 30% at the national level, but I call on people to vote for the best-placed candidate and therefore to trust Sacha Houlié to counter the RN. We find ourselves locally, as nationally, with no other choice but to vote against the extremes.”

Agnès Chauvin (Workers’ Struggle). “It is the bosses who have won again, we continue our action so that the workers defend themselves against capitalism. We do not call for voting for any candidate, we continue the struggles locally, with the workers who fight against the exploiters. Political politics is not our fight.”

the results

> Sacha Houlié (Ensemble), 33.21%.

> Valérie Soumaille (New Popular Front), 28.63%.

> Estelle Chevallier (National Rally), 24.42%.

> Aurélien Bourdier (Socialist Party), 10.08%.

> Xavier Augay (Various right), 2.92%.

> Agnès Chauvin (Workers’ Struggle), 0.73%.



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