Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Arras (62000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Arras (62000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Arras (62000) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – Will the New Popular Front benefit from the votes of the Nupes in Arras?

Another source of doubt surrounding these legislative elections is that of the choice of left-wing voters after the alliance of parties around the Popular Front. This base is high: during the first round of legislative elections in 2022, in Arras, the Nupes pair had in fact gleaned 27.07% of the votes in the municipality. How many will vote for the New Popular Front, supported by France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, Europe-Ecology, the Communist Party and other left-wing forces, and announced as very close to the majority by the polling institutes during these elections? legislative? During the European elections more recently, the Glucksmann list won 12.68% in Arras. But the level of the left will obviously depend this time also on the votes granted to the rebellious Manon Aubry (10.29%), as well as those of the EELV Marie Toussaint (6.21%) or even Léon Deffontaine (2 .26%) on June 9. Or a sum of 30% on site.

18:42 – How far can the National Rally go during the legislative elections in Arras?

What can we deduce from this avalanche of data? The RN’s progression is already showing itself to be powerful in Arras between Jordan Bardella’s score in 2019 (24.25%) and the one it obtained on June 9 in the European elections (30.34%), of the order of 6 points. But the rise is shaping up to be even more significant in the 2024 legislative elections, with poll studies giving the RN a score of 30 to 35% across the country, far from the 18.68% at the time. The RN could thus find itself very close to 30% locally on June 30, if the dynamics were the same as for the European elections, or even much more depending on the poll dynamics.

15:31 – Arras in the national average concerning the RN in the European elections

We must also go back a few weeks when considering the vote on June 30. The score of the RN list, with Jordan Bardella as general-in-chief in the European elections in June, was indeed at its highest in Arras, with 30.34%. The RN was then ahead of Valérie Hayer at 16.55% and Raphaël Glucksmann at 12.68%.

14:32 – What were the final results of the presidential election in Arras in 2022?

The choice of the head of state is certainly the main key to assessing a local political preference. Marine Le Pen was second in the first round of the 2022 presidential election in the commune with 24.03% against 29.48% for Emmanuel Macron. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Éric Zemmour finished at the foot of this podium with respectively 22.86% and 5.56% of the votes. And Marine Le Pen did not catch up with Emmanuel Macron in the second round, with 40.96% against 59.04%.

12:32 – Ensemble did well in the first round of the last legislative elections in Arras

The number of votes for the National Rally will be one of the keys to these 2024 local elections for MPs, as in the rest of France. In the first round of the 2022 legislative elections, Arras, covered by the 2nd constituency of Pas-de-Calais, will see the La République en Marche duo win with 27.69%, while the RN will be behind at 20.08%. In the second round, the RN also failed, again leaving the local victory to the competitors bearing the Ensemble! label with 41.36% against 58.64% for the winners. Jacqueline Maquet therefore maintained her lead on site.

11:02 – Impact of demographic characteristics on the political landscape of Arras

In Arras, demographic and socio-economic factors determine the political context and can impact the legislative elections. With a population density of 3,501 inhabitants/km² and 45.07% of the working population, these figures could predict a stronger electoral commitment. The unemployment rate at 18.9% could affect voters’ hopes for measures on work. The percentage of households with at least one car (63.11%) shows the importance of transport and infrastructure issues in the questions of the 12,623 voters. On the other hand, indicators such as the number of single-parent families (25.79%) and the number of social housing residences (31.29% of housing) highlight the social and economic challenges facing the municipality. The percentage of students, estimated at 8.36% in Arras, highlights the presence of a young and educated population, likely to stimulate innovation and creativity in the region.

09:32 – The legislative elections begin in Arras: abstention in question

In order to better understand the vote of the citizens of this municipality, it is necessary to analyze the results of previous elections. At the time of the previous European elections, 50.61% of those registered on the electoral lists of Arras had refused to go to the polls. The abstention rate was 47.83% five years ago. As a reminder, in the municipality, the percentage of abstention in the 2022 legislative elections was 53.91% in the first round and only 56.17% in the second round. What rate will abstention reach in Arras this year? To compare, on a national scale, the abstention rate in the 2022 legislative elections was 52% in the first round and 54% in the second round, almost a record for legislative elections.

08:02 – Elections in Arras: opening hours of the 34 polling stations

The 2024 legislative elections are an opportunity for the French to make themselves heard on the challenges that concern their country. In the event that the New Popular Front or the National Rally obtains a majority in the National Assembly, cohabitation could occur, forcing the head of state to appoint a Prime Minister from an opposing political movement to govern. Among the forces present in the 2nd constituency of Pas-de-Calais, who will succeed in seducing the inhabitants of the urban area? Remember that the opening hours of the 34 polling stations in Arras are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.The broadcast of the results in Arras will begin here at 8 p.m.



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