de-Calais – Legislative: Jean-Claude Leroy takes a stand

de-Calais – Legislative: Jean-Claude Leroy takes a stand
de-Calais – Legislative: Jean-Claude Leroy takes a stand

Jean-Claude Leroy, President of the Pas-de-Calais Department, speaks at the start of the week following the first round of legislative elections.

Jean-Claude Leroy starts from an observation: “At a time when the National Assembly is called upon to recompose itself, our country and Pas-de-Calais must face unprecedented challenges. The first challenge is climatic and we can clearly see in Pas-de-Calais, where flooding is a direct consequence, that there is an urgent need to act. The second is egalitarian with the need to have a decent life, with a fair salary, to live and not survive, without tirelessly suffering the high cost of living.

The third challenge is generational. In our ageing society, we must find solutions to be able to stay at home and be well supported. But it is just as essential that young people find their place, do the studies they want, and have easier access to housing. »

And the former PS deputy assures: ” These challenges are not insurmountable if everyone plays their part, as we do in the Pas-de-Calais Department. But this requires stability, appeasement, unity and the ability to overcome divisions. » Hence its positioning for next Sunday: « This is why, in this circumstance and to face the National Rally, I am giving my support to the candidates of the Republican arc who are part of this requirement.”



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