results for the City of La Roche-sur-Yon

results for the City of La Roche-sur-Yon
results for the City of La Roche-sur-Yon

Legislative elections June 30, 2024 – Results for the city of La Roche-sur-Yon

Results* au 1is tour
List of candidates Nuance Voice % Registered % Expressed
Ms Sophie BARILLOT EXG 5 332 25,18 38,38
M. Nicolas HELARY and 5 217 24,64 37,55
Mme Marie-Christine EBRAN RN 3 157 14,91 22,72
Mrs Béatrice BELLAMY ENS 187 0,88 1,35

Reminder Official political nuances:

EXG Far Left – COM French Communist Party – FI La France insoumise – SOC Socialist Party – RDG Radical Left Party – VEC The Ecologists – DVG Various Left – UG Union of the Left – ECO Ecologists – REG Regionalist – DIV Various – REN Renaissance – MDM Modem – HOR Horizons – ENS Together! (Presidential Majority) – DVC Various Center – UDI Union of Democrats and Independents – LR The Republicans – DVD Various Right – DSV Sovereignist Right – RN National Rally – REC Reconquest! – UXD Union of the Far Right – EXD Far Right.

2nd Constituency
3 qualified for the 2nd round

Results* au 1is tour
List of candidates Nuance Voice % Registered % Expressed two
Mme Marie-Christine EBRAN RN 28 538 25,01 36,53 QUALIF T2
Mrs Béatrice BELLAMY ENS 25 232 22,12 32,30 QUALIFY T2
M. Nicolas HELARY and 18 119 15,88 23,20 QUALIFY T2
Mrs. Sophie BARILLOT EXG 6 226 5,46 7,97 NON

Philippe Brossard-Lotz

The Sablais Reporter

[email protected]

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Philippe Brossard-Lotz

The Sablais Reporter



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