Results of the legislative elections in Armentières: the 2024 election live

Results of the legislative elections in Armentières: the 2024 election live
Results of the legislative elections in Armentières: the 2024 election live

17:05 – What result for the European elections in Armentières at the beginning of the month?

Looking at the last electoral experience also seems wise to us when anticipating the vote in these legislative elections. If we look at the details, in fact, the RN list, led by Jordan Bardella, dominated the 2024 Europeans in Armentières. The movement won 36.52% of the vote, against Manon Aubry at 14.1% and Raphaël Glucksmann at 11.39%.

2:32 p.m. – Armentières voted for Le Pen in the 2022 presidential election

The presidential election had largely turned to the advantage of Marine Le Pen in 2022 in the town. The leader of the far-right party obtained 28.87% in the first round. In 2nd and 3rd positions, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron came in with 25.39% and 23.07% of the votes respectively. Finally, there was only a fourth place for Éric Zemmour, with 5.62% of the votes for his part. The boss of the RN, however, lost to Emmanuel Macron in the second round with 48.79% against 51.21%.

12:32 – Can the figures from the last legislative election have any meaning for the 2024 election in Armentières?

The score in favor of the National Rally will be decisive for these elections, at the local level, as in the rest of France. During the last legislative elections in Armentières, the RN finished in second position on the podium, with 22.77% of voters being convinced by its pair, compared to 32.28% for Roger Vicot (New Ecological and Social Popular Union) in the first round. In the next round, he still failed to win in the locality, leaving victory again to the New Ecological and Social Popular Union pair with 63.36%. Roger Vicot therefore won this election on the spot.

11:02 – The future of France is also being decided in Armentières

A few hours before the announcement of the results of the legislative elections, Armentières is teeming with diversity and activities. With its 25,581 inhabitants, this city presents itself as a symbol of openness. With 1,383 companies, Armentières positions itself as a fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship. The rate of families without a car (32.5%) shows a lesser dependence on the automobile, which can impact voters on issues of mobility and the environment. The foreign population of 1,517 people brings a valuable cultural openness. With an average monthly net salary of €1,994.11 per month, the city has an unemployment rate of 18.37%, revealing an unstable economic situation. In Armentières, where young people make up 41% of the population, the elections are the promise of a collective and flourishing future.

09:32 – Analysis of abstention in previous elections in Armentières

To get an idea of ​​how the citizens of this agglomeration voted, it is essential to analyze the results of previous elections. Three weeks ago, during the previous European elections, the abstention rate rose to 55.96% of those registered on the electoral lists of Armentières. The abstention rate was 55.19% five years ago. As a reminder, in the agglomeration, the abstention rate for the 2022 legislative elections reached 59.54% in the first round. In the second round, 62.51% of voters did not turn out. In April 2022, in the second round of the presidential election, the abstention rate represented 35.3% in the agglomeration. The abstention rate was 35.06% in the first round.

08:02 – Opening hours of polling stations in Armentières

The 2024 legislative elections are an opportunity for the voters of Armentières to react to the way in which France is organized. In the event that the left bloc or the National Rally obtains a majority in the National Assembly, cohabitation could occur, forcing Emmanuel Macron to appoint a Prime Minister from the opposition to govern. Among the many most prominent candidates, which political coalition is expected to take the lead in the legislative elections in Armentières? Also note that the 14 polling stations in the town of Armentières are closing their doors at 18 hours in anticipation of the count. Activate the alerts for your city for free by clicking on the button at the top of this page to receive the results of the elections in Armentières as soon as they are published.



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