Franck Nivard still in the good shots at the Premium meeting at the Chartres racecourse

Franck Nivard still in the good shots at the Premium meeting at the Chartres racecourse
Franck Nivard still in the good shots at the Premium meeting at the Chartres racecourse

Eight races took place this Sunday, June 30, 2024, at the racecourse, during the last Premium meeting before the summer break. Franck Nivard distinguished himself once again.

Many activities brightened up the day this Sunday during the Premium meeting taking place at the racecourse. The last one before the summer break. The races will resume on Friday, September 13. This Sunday, it was, once again, Franck Nivard who distinguished himself once again.

The one who is one of the specialists of the Chartres track won, with L’Espoir des Baux, during the first harness race of the day. This race had €19,500 in winnings.

Equine well-being, the common thread of the last meeting before the summer at the Chartres racecourse

Three false starts

Thirty minutes later, he finished second on the podium with Katniss Mormoulin, in the second harness race. A race that also had €19,500 in winnings. Even though he was disqualified in the third race, Franck Nivard (n° 10) won in the sixth, with Idée Smart.

A harness race with €26,000 in winnings. He beat Sébastien Houyvet (No. 13) with Igrisoni, and Cédric Terry (No. 3) with Ideal de Revat. This race was marked by the tensions of the drivers and the horses. It was after a third false start that the 200 spectators present observed a very close round. Most of the competitors arrived in a hurry while Romain Derieux, on Igor Vicking, was in the lead during the first two laps before being disqualified for a mistake. It was enough for “Francky the cold hand” to take first place.

Eight races this Sunday at the Chartres racecourse

Thomas Desprez



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