Martin Lapointe more spared than Trevor Timmins because of his language?

Martin Lapointe more spared than Trevor Timmins because of his language?
Martin Lapointe more spared than Trevor Timmins because of his language?

To draft a Quebecer (from the QMJHL) or not: everyone has their opinion on the question that burns the lips of people who follow the Canadiens.

Every year, when the harvest is low, the question is raised and it is asked of the Canadiens’ management. Yesterday was no exception since Stéphane Leroux spoke about it to Martin Lapointe, one of the two men in charge of the draft in town.

And like every year, the same answer comes back: there is no negative bias towards Quebecers, but we simply followed our list. Lapointe even hinted that he wanted to draft Justin Poirier this year, but he didn’t succeed.

Whether the topic will still be relevant today remains to be seen.

But in all this, Tony Marinaro added his two cents on how the journalists who cover the Canadiens are handling the situation. And his theory is this: Martin Lapointe’s language.

In his eyes, journalists who ask questions like this hit Trevor Timmins harder because the latter did not speak French. But there, because Martin Lapointe (who manages everything with Nick Bobrov) is from Quebec and he speaks French, it’s not the same when he ignores a guy from here.

He said it on yesterday’s Sick Podcast, where Simon Boisvert was the guest to discuss the draft.

Snake didn’t really know how to position himself in all this. However, in his eyes, Martin Lapointe is an American since he has lived in the United States for 30 years. He says this in the sense that Lapointe is no longer in Quebec full-time, I imagine.

Let’s remember that he chose Michael Hage, who played in Chicago last year. That’s where he lives and we can imagine that he had a good chance of seeing him play when he was at home.

Let’s also remember that Snake is undoubtedly the person who most hated the work of Trevor Timmins during his years with the CH, just to add context to all that.

But the question arises: does the fact that Lapointe is a local francophone change the situation? Would the questions be harsher if Nick Bobrov was the one in charge?

A lot of

– How does Arpon Basu see the draft?

– A whole moment.

– It’s on fire.



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