Fans of Pokémon cards (but also One Piece and Lorcana), you will be able to rebuild your deck and refine your collection with Fuji Store. The store co-created by Mister Fuji (a leader in his field) opened in mid-November with new and used cards, at all prices. Be careful, there are some rare gems.
Whether you grew up in the 90s, 2000s or 2010s, you must have played and/or watched Pokémon. And maybe some of you have even exchanged cards on the playground. Today, passion continues to drive the hearts of Pokémon trainers, in search of new cards. Including in Lille.
It is not for nothing that Kevin Escaffre and Nasser (AKA Mister Fuji) decided to open their second store specializing in collectible cards on Rue Nationale. “There is a real demand in Lille. In clearance sales and flea markets there are always a lot of Pokémon cards and on social networks, groups are formed to exchange or sell cards.“, says Bob, the manager of the Lille store. And then there is Belgium and the Netherlands nearby, where you can find cards at good prices.
Graded or ungraded cards
In this new store which opened on November 16, we will first find new (and official) and used Pokémon cards, sold in packs or as single cards, French or Japanese. There is something for all budgets, including those looking for rare gems. Like the one you see below.
But if Pokémon is the main license of the store, you will also find Disney cards (Lorcana) and One Piece cards. “For the moment there are cards in Japanese and English but in 2025 we will have One Piece cards in French“, says Bob.
Buy or sell
And besides buying cards, you can also sell them at the store. “We carry out the appraisal and recommend a price to the sellers. Behind we take 30% commission. This is done directly unless they are very important cards which require more research time on our side.“
You know what to do now: catch them all!