Beauvais. Swastikas on posters by Roxane Lundy (NFP)

Beauvais. Swastikas on posters by Roxane Lundy (NFP)
Beauvais. Swastikas on posters by Roxane Lundy (NFP)
Roxane Lundy’s poster, in front of the Pré-Martinet polling station, was tagged with a Nazi symbol.

The regional councilor, candidate for the New popular front on the 1st district of Oisediscovered tags racistes on its electoral posters this Sunday, June 30. In particular one swastika drawn on his forehead. She reacted on social networks. “Horrified this morning to find several of my posters defiled by the racist hatred that is being unleashed throughout the country. I am not afraid. We are not afraid.“, she assures.

These tags were found on his posters in several places in Beauvais. But also in Maignelay-Montigny, near Saint-Just-en-Chaussée. The candidate discovered it this Sunday morning when she went to vote at Pré-Martinet, in the center of the prefectural town. On the phone, past the stupor, she is no longer so surprised. “We saw this during the campaign. There is a real liberation from assumed racist speech“, she castigates.

“I’m going to the police station.”

Roxane Lundy does not yet know whether she will be able to file a complaint or simply a handrail, but she does not intend to let it go.I will go to the police station and they will tell me what to do.», Indicates the candidate. Thierry Aury (PCF), his deputy who also appears on the poster, supports the words of the regional advisor.

Contacted, the municipal majority confirms that it will publicly condemn these acts through Mayor Franck Pia.



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