Impressive images of bad weather in France

Impressive images of bad weather in France
Impressive images of bad weather in France

Powerful storms hit France this Saturday, particularly the east of the country. These bad weather gave rise to very impressive images, notably that of a tree which exploded due to lightning in Deux-Sèvres.

Real scenes of chaos were observed in France this Saturday, in different regions. The powerful storms that hit the country gave rise to exceptional images.

A tree pulverized in Deux-Sèvres

In Deux-Sèvres, more precisely in the commune of Augé, a tree was very violently struck by lightning. The tree exploded under the violence of the impact.

Traffic has become almost impossible in places

Near Gaillac, in the Tarn, a motorist shared a video where you can hardly see the road anymore, making car traffic very dangerous.

Near Troyes (Aube), the bad weather caused major damage to a road, including branches lying right in the middle of the roads.

The wind blew and hail fell

Again in Troyes, where the storms were particularly powerful, images showed the wind blowing very violently, weakening many trees threatening to fall.

In addition to storms and wind, Haute-Marne and Lorraine had strong hail episodes.

Impressive arcus in the sky

In different regions of France, impressive arcus clouds have formed in the sky, such as in Saint-Avold (Moselle) and Saint-Germain-des-Champs (Yonne).



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