Beautiful photos rewarded

Beautiful photos rewarded
Beautiful photos rewarded

PHOTOGRAPHY. The opening of the fourth edition of the photo hunt reserved for high school and college students took place Friday June 21, at 6:30 p.m., at the Sociocultural Center. This edition was organized by the Capt’Image photo club. Jean-Loup Doyen, president of the photography association, named the winners of the 2024 edition.

The competition brought together 39 participants, with 140 photos and seven educational establishments. Two themes were proposed: “It’s the party”, featuring a joyful moment such as the funfair or a birthday, and “Dans ma rue”, evoking, among other things, a visit to the city or even street activities with the neighbors. Some 55 photos participated in the first theme, 80 photos in the second.

Emmie Collin, from René-Rollin College in Chevillon, won the first theme. Lilou Laprevotte, from Saint-Exupéry High School in Saint-Dizier, won the second. Jean-Loup Doyen thanked all the participants as well as the entire jury, made up of photographers and graphic designers. The winners received several prizes and awards offered by the City of Saint-Dizier.

Jean-Loup Doyen congratulated the young participants: “I appreciate your spontaneity!” A public photo hunt will be organized by Capt’Image at the beginning of September.

  • All participants were invited to the awards ceremony.
  • The winning photo of the second theme.


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