Seine Saint-Denis: Eco, the new local currency that aims to “reconcile economy and ecology”

Seine Saint-Denis: Eco, the new local currency that aims to “reconcile economy and ecology”
Seine Saint-Denis: Eco, the new local currency that aims to “reconcile economy and ecology”

Changing habits through money is the challenge of “l’Éco”, the new local currency of Seine Saint-Denis. Launched on Saturday, June 29, in Saint-Ouen, this new dematerialized currency is also being extended to Saint-Denis and Île Saint-Denis.

Supported by an associative group, this currency gives pride of place to short supply chains and environmentally friendly products. “When you convert a euro into eco, you have the guarantee that this euro circulates locally”explains Vincent Loubière, one of the co-founders.

140 businesses registered

At the time of launch, 140 businesses and associations agreed to receive Eco payments. And to reach as many people as possible, the fifteen volunteers from the eco committee are working to expand the network. “The goal is to have everyday businesses: grocers, a pharmacy, an insurer…”details Vincent Loubière.


The challenge of this new currency is therefore to encourage residents to change their consumption habits. “We can see it clearly, when people can spend everywhere, money often ends up in large-scale distribution or online commerce”notes Théo Sentis, the general coordinator of Eco.

And for the bet to work across the entire chain, the merchant must also be able to pay his suppliers in Eco. This is the main challenge on the road to the new currency.

Making ecology concrete

But beyond short circuits, this collective also wants to better promote locally more virtuous products and purchases. “When the State tells us to cycle more, we provide a concrete response by saying (via our mobile application, editor’s note) go to Hervé who sells bicycle frames at La Bidouillerie”continues Vincent Loubière.

800 residents have so far joined the system. Around 5,000 are needed for the system to be viable in the long term.




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