Orange storm warning – Weather, pollution – Press releases – News

Orange storm warning – Weather, pollution – Press releases – News
Orange storm warning – Weather, pollution – Press releases – News

Updated 29/06/2024

The Ain department has been placed on orange alert by Météo France this Saturday, June 29, 2024 due to a high intensity storm expected from 4 p.m.

A rainy-stormy deterioration coming from the south-east will approach the department this afternoon, and in particular Bugey, Haut-Bugey and the country of Gex.

These storms will be accompanied by high levels of rain (up to 50 mm in a short period of time), hail and strong gusts of wind during storms (of the order of 80 to 100 km/h, or even 110 km/h), as well as significant electrical activity.

Possible consequences :

– Violent storms likely to cause significant damage locally.
– Significant damage is locally to be expected for light housing and temporary installations.
– Flooding of cellars and low points can occur very quickly.
– Some fire outbreaks may be recorded in the forest following lightning strikes not accompanied by precipitation.

What to do in the event of a storm :

– I stay away from trees and waterways
– I am sheltering in a solid building
– I keep myself informed and avoid traveling
– I protect property exposed to wind or which may be flooded
– Under no circumstances do I embark on a submerged route
– I avoid using my phone and electrical devices

The Prefect of Ain calls on everyone to respect these instructions and to exercise the greatest vigilance, especially on the road. She also draws the attention of campsite operators, marquees and organizers of outdoor events to take all measures to ensure the safety of property and people.

More information :

On the state of the roads:

On meteorological phenomena:



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