cars break down after filling up with diesel at the same gas station

cars break down after filling up with diesel at the same gas station
cars break down after filling up with diesel at the same gas station

In Brittany, motorists saw their car break down after filling up with diesel at the same service station.

A full tank of diesel, then a breakdown. Breton motorists have broken down after filling up with diesel at the same service station, reports Le Ploërmelais. According to the local media, several motorists have indeed seen their cars suddenly break down last week after filling up with diesel at the service station of the Intermarché store in Sérent, between Ploërmel and Vannes, in Morbihan.

“It does come from us, but we do not yet know the reasons,” confirmed the director of the supermarket to Ploërmelais, referring to a possible “sealing problem” or “bad fuel”, without certainty.

Samples have been taken to try to clarify the situation but, for the time being, the pump serving diesel has been closed by the supermarket.

Red light and power loss

Motorists have recounted their misadventure on social media. After driving only a few kilometers, the driver of a food truck explained that she saw a red light come on on the dashboard. The latter “indicated a problem with the diesel filter” and “I immediately lost power,” she continued, before having to be towed. According to her, water was detected in the diesel.

Other similar stories have been reported. The supermarket, for its part, sent its insurance number to the customers concerned.

Jeremy Bruno BFMTV journalist

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