Bleu Jeans Bleu: a memorable Midsummer show despite the rain

The Saint-Jean celebration on June 23 in Mont-Tremblant was described as extraordinary by Daphnée Cyr, one of the organizers of the event. “The thing to remember about this Midsummer is that it’s a lot of work to organize a national holiday,” she says. “It’s the start of summer, vacations, it’s the biggest citizen and community gathering, that’s why we wanted to organize the show. »

Published on June 28, 2024 by Gabrielle Sarthou

Bleu Jeans Bleu on stage in Mont-Tremblant. Photo courtesy

Weather challenges
Prepared in advance, the team knew the rain would be a challenge. “We knew it was going to rain, we were ready. The most difficult thing was the intermittent rain,” explains Daphnée Cyr. The team was tracking the clouds and noted that the rain would stop around 8:45 p.m. The show, scheduled for 9 p.m., could not be postponed due to the late hour.
Unfortunately, the first part of Andy St-Louis had to be cancelled. However, the Emoson technical team showed exemplary dedication. “It was water management all along, equipment protection. Our volunteers were there, the security agents too. All the people who worked for the national holiday did an exceptional job,” emphasizes Daphnée Cyr.

An unforgettable moment
Despite the weather forecast, the turnout far exceeded expectations. “I thought if we had 300-400 people, I was happy. The public space was full, with about 2500-3000 spectators,” she rejoices.
When the Bleu Jeans Bleu band took the stage, the rain stopped, adding a touch of magic to the evening. The highlight of the night was when Bleu Jeans Bleu invited Andy St-Louis to sing two songs with them. “People came out, it was a great time,” says Daphnée. “Everyone was happy, we received a lot of thanks for keeping the event going.”

Pride and motivation
Daphnée Cyr expressed her pride in the work accomplished by the team: “I am proud of the work of our team, with the monitoring of publications by the population. It was first of all for the population and also to honor all the work. » She highlights the exceptional motivation of employees.

“It was magical,” concluded Daphnée Cyr, summing up the atmosphere and experience of this memorable Saint-Jean in Mont-Tremblant.

The organizing committee consisted of Daphnée Cyr for logistics, programming and artistic direction, Joannie St-Hilaire and Caroline Bachand, responsible for security and logistics of the event, as well as Jacinthe Brière, responsible for the team of 25 volunteers.

Photos Daphnee Cyr

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