Canada Day | Open or closed?

Many establishments will be changing their hours for Canada Day, next Monday, the 1stis July. Overview of those that will be open or closed.

Posted at 2:02 a.m.

Updated at 6:00 a.m.


  • Small grocery stores and pharmacies will be open, although it is a holiday. Convenience stores will also remain open.
  • All SAQ branches will continue to welcome customers, with the exception of those located in a closed shopping centre.
  • Gas stations will remain open.
  • Public transport will be maintained, but timetables will be changed.
  • Certain museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Montreal and Pointe-à-Callière, will continue to welcome the public, according to modified schedules. The Space for Life facilities will also remain open.
  • The schedule of Montreal’s sports and cultural facilities will vary depending on the boroughs. Before traveling, the population is invited to communicate directly with the staff of the places concerned.
  • All waste collections that normally take place on Mondays are maintained in all boroughs of Montreal. The ecocenters will also be open according to the usual summer schedule.


  • Big box stores and shopping malls will be closed on Canada Day.
  • Branches of the Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC) will be closed, but express delivery will remain available in certain cities in Greater Montreal.
  • Banks and credit unions will close on 1is July, as are government service points, including the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).
  • Canada Post offices are also closing, and no mail delivery will be made.
  • At the municipal court of Montreal, only the appearances of detained persons are maintained on 1is July.
  • To pay for a ticket or find out about the regulations of a borough, you will have to use online services, because the Accès Montréal Offices (BAM) will be closed on 1is July, just like the permit counters.


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