Avignon: they mobilize against the extreme right at the initiative of the unions

Avignon: they mobilize against the extreme right at the initiative of the unions
Avignon: they mobilize against the extreme right at the initiative of the unions

The mobilization was supposed to start from the administrative city to reach the Popes’ Palace, but it was ultimately static. This Friday, June 28, in the evening, citizens and political figures from Vaucluse gathered on Cours Jean-Jaurès in Avignon. For a moment, Raphaël Arnault (New Popular Front), alongside the European deputy of La France Insoumise Rima Hassan, and Philippe Pascal (Miscellaneous Left) found themselves a few meters from each other to form a common front.Scream our refusal of the far right and prevent the RN from coming to power“, summarizes Laurence De Villele of the CGT departmental union, when speaking on behalf of the inter-union.

Even if a party like the RN seeks to de-demonize itself, the ideological foundations of the extreme right, whatever its variants, remain a nationalism of withdrawal, xenophobia and the designation of scapegoats, in particular, through the rejection of immigration.” she continued before calling “all Vauclusians to mobilize and vote to block the extreme right and for a social and progressive alternative.“The next gathering organized by the inter-union will take place on July 3, at 6:30 p.m., on the Place de l’Horloge.

“In the coming days, we must vote everywhere”

Vote! In the coming days, you must go and vote everywhere“, hammers home the candidate of the New Popular Front, Raphaël Arnault.”We must fight the extreme right through various struggles, petitions, demonstrations, etcetera, and today it is through votingcontinues the one expected a few hours later at the sports field. The danger of the extreme right coming to power is through voting, so we must mobilize at the ballot box as much as possible.“.

For his part, the Divers Left candidate, Philippe Pascal, insists: “I have always been there to fight against the extreme right and I will always be. Wherever they came to power, obscurantism ruled and they attacked the poorest.“. “Above all, we must avoid the danger of the extreme right“, he specifies before adding: “If ever, I was not qualified for the second round, I would be behind the candidate who is against the extreme right.



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