the state of natural disaster recognized for these nine municipalities

the state of natural disaster recognized for these nine municipalities
the state of natural disaster recognized for these nine municipalities

Nine municipalities in the south of the Pays d’Auge, near Lisieux (Calvados), were recognized as being in a state of natural disaster, by an interministerial decree of June 17, 2024. And this, for the floods and mudslides having caused numerous damage to roads, fields, municipal buildings and hundreds of residents on May 12. This step is essential for victims, who will be able to continue the procedure with their insurance company.

The road from Hiéville to Saint-Pierre-en-Auge, then flooded at the end of the day, June 12, 2024. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

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  • The road from Hiéville to Saint-Pierre-en-Auge, then flooded at the end of the day, June 12, 2024. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

The floods that occurred on June 12 in the southern Pays d’Auge, near Lisieux (Calvados), had caused a lot of damage. Mudslides had burst into several hundred homes, village halls and schools, and fields and roads had been submerged (making traffic impossible, particularly in the Saint-Pierre-en-Auge area).

As proof of this exceptional episode, 107 firefighters were mobilized, supported by 44 vehicles and 2 helicopters from Civil Security.

Declaration within 30 days

At the request of the nine impacted municipalities, the State recognized the state of natural disaster, by an interministerial decree dated June 17, which was published in the Official Journal this Friday. This concerns Courtonne-la-Meurdrac, Courtonne-les-Deux-Eglises, Livarot-Pays-d’Auge, Le Mesnil-Eudes, Le Mesnil-Simon, Mézidon-Vallée-d’Auge, Saint-Germain-de-Livet, Saint-Pierre-en-Auge and Vendeuvre.

Policyholders now have a maximum of thirty days following the publication of this decree, to “send their insurance company an estimate of the damage or their losses. Compensation then occurs within the limits of the guarantees taken out, only for the goods covered by the “property damage” contract..



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