Pascal Lecamp with Gisèle Jean to counter the RN

Pascal Lecamp with Gisèle Jean to counter the RN
Pascal Lecamp with Gisèle Jean to counter the RN

It’s not really a surprise to see Eric Soulat arrive at the top of 1is tour of these legislative elections in the 3e constituency of Vienne. This was already the case in 2022. Except that with Pascal Lecamp, who will once again be his challenger on July 7, 2024, the gap has widened. Ten points separate them, whereas the two opponents were neck and neck two years ago.

Éric Soulat: “The work
field pays »

“This is a very, very good result, a sign that the work on the ground is paying off, believes the National Rally candidate. People feel abandoned by the State, particularly in rural areas. They tell me that in the markets. Getting treatment is a luxury now. »

To win the right to sit in the National Assembly, he will have to get ahead of the new coalition formed by Pascal Lecamp and Gisèle Jean (New Popular Front), which is withdrawing from 2e turn and calls to beat the RN, therefore to vote for the outgoing deputy. ” I did not expect thatrecognizes Eric Soulat. In 2022, it seems that I did not have a reserve of votes and yet, there was a report in my favor, even from Nupes. We will continue the fight and mobilize the troops. From this evening [hier dimanche]we will meet with part of the federation and we will start campaigning again on Monday. Afterwards, it will be up to the voters to decide.”

Gisèle Jean: “More progressive ideas”

Very quickly, Gisèle Jean understood that she would finish in third place in this 1is turn and did not procrastinate. “There is no question of electing the RN”she insists, announcing her removal in favor of Lecamp, not unhappy despite everything with her 26.73%. “This proves that we can manage to put forward progressive ideas and have fairly strong support. We have never had so many voices on the left thanks to excellent dynamics. » Which was not confirmed in the commune of Queaux, where she is mayor, where the RN obtained twice as many votes compared to the European elections. “There is a sense of fed up feeling. We have been sounding the alarm for a long time.”

If she joins forces with him, she immediately warns Pascal Lecamp. “I hope that he will bring more progressive ideas than during his first term with more justice and fairness. He always voted for what Macron proposed. »

The vice-president of Vienne and Gartempe seems to have already been heard since the former elected representative of Civray speaks of “better social and fiscal justice” from this Sunday evening.

Pascal Lecamp: “A Republican Front”

“I am ready to work with Gisèle Jean in a desire for a Republican front to beat the RN, he assures with an outstretched hand. It should appear on my profession of faith, take a joint photo. »

Mathematically, by adding his votes from 1is turn, the pair would come well ahead in the second but, faced with the rise in power of Éric Soulat, it is not so simple. For Lecamp, his rival benefits from the Bardella – Le Pen effect. “Clearly, I am convinced that all the voices from the left will not refer to me, anticipate-t-il. Those who suffer, feel a lack of consideration, they will not vote for me with the mark of Macron on my cheek.” Besides, he no longer wants this label of presidential majority. This week, Pascal Lecamp is preparing to go door to door, meeting people with the support of Gisèle Jean “to motivate the left forces”. Whatever it is, it remains a Sioux prudence. “I show humility, because victory, if victory there is in the 2e tour, will necessarily be very short. » “From 51-49”, he predicts. That would be enough for his happiness.


Eric Soulat (RN) : 40,8 %

Pascal Lecamp (Ensemble) : 30,2 %

Gisèle Jean (NFP): 26.7%

Soizic Jean (LO) : 1.41%

Tatiana Gouverneur (Ecologist Party): 0.86%



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