Valence-d’Agen. The Ados du cœur raise more than €12,600 for the Restos

Valence-d’Agen. The Ados du cœur raise more than €12,600 for the Restos
Valence-d’Agen. The Ados du cœur raise more than €12,600 for the Restos

the essential
The evenings organized by the Ados du cœur were a great and generous success.

This sixth season was marked by an unprecedented event: the presence of Romain Colucci, Coluche’s eldest son. He was able to appreciate the efforts of this joyful group who, during the evenings of April 29 and 30, gave everything to offer the best of their art to the 1,400 spectators with the sole objective of presenting a beautiful show and contributing to help the most deprived. Their mission was a success with a nice sum of 5,500 euros raised.

But that was not all: a sporting event was also organized. The students of the 6th and 5th grades took part in a charity race.

First, they went looking for support. Each sponsor committed to donating a sum of money multiplied by the number of laps (1 km) covered by the students. Thus, at the end of the race, the students returned to their supporters to tell them the number of laps they had done and thus collect the donation promises. For the first time, the students were running not for themselves but for people in need and distress. Considering the amount collected, the race of the day at the Jean-Rostand college, organized by Rémi Pouxviel, PE teacher, is a real success, proof if any were needed that today’s young people are capable of mobilizing and motivating themselves for others.

The amount collected was €7,100 to which must be added €5,500 from the two evenings. In all, the magnificent sum of 12,600 euros was given last Tuesday to Patrick Chilliard, president of Restos du coeur de Tarn-et-Garonne, and to the volunteers who accompanied him to the Jean-Rostand college. The presentation of this great prize pool took place in the presence of volunteers from the Valence branch of Restos du coeur who came in large numbers and the principal of the establishment, Claude Nabias, who is still very proud of the result obtained again this year . He did not fail to point it out. The departmental president of Restos du coeur, Patrick Chilliard, was once again amazed and stunned by the result of the work accomplished by the Ados du coeur.

Four to five months of meals

“We know that every year, they bring us a check, but this is fabulous. The objectives were largely exceeded: the race of the heart added to the event made it possible to raise more than €12,600, which represents four or five months of meals for the people welcomed in the department. They did a good job.”



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