let’s march on the far right!

let’s march on the far right!
let’s march on the far right!

The Inter-LGBT, the association organizing the Paris Pride march, and SOS homophobia are calling for Pride 2024 to be a show of force against the far right, this Saturday, June 29, on the eve of the first round of the legislative elections anticipated.

On Saturday, June 29, we have a date with History! The 2024 Paris and Île-de-France Pride march will mark a decisive turning point in our lives. With nearly 40% of the vote, the National Rally and its far-right allies made a dramatic breakthrough in the European elections on June 9. Then came the earthquake, with the irresponsible dissolution of the National Assembly provoked by the President of the Republic. Once the shock has passed, let’s march.

We, associations, activists, political figures and civil society figures, call for an unparalleled mobilization against the far right and its complacent friends on June 29, 2024, at the Paris and Île-de-France Pride march, the day before the first round of the legislative elections.

At a time when our rights and identities are being called into question across Europe, LGBTQIA+ people from the old continent have their eyes fixed on Paris. The National Rally and its French and European allies are and will always be enemies of our struggles and our rights: Italy, Hungary, Poland… Wherever and every time the extreme right takes power, it attack on fundamental rights, and in particular the rights of LGBTQIA+ people. With the far right in power, any progress, particularly on trans and intersex issues, any progress and any social justice for sex workers, asylum seekers, refugees, people living with HIV or with disabilities will be condemned to regression. Worse, all LGBTQIA+ people will be condemned to repression. Attacking LGBTQIA+ people also means attacking their families, their children, and also putting the youngest in danger. So we say it with force and vigor: the extreme right is a danger to our struggles.

On June 29 in Paris, a day of celebration of our plural identities, a day when we claim all our pride without the slightest concession, we call for a massive mobilization against the extreme right and its complacent friends. From the Nazi camps to the Polish “anti-LGBT zones” and from the Stonewall revolts to the present day, in the face of oppression, we have emancipated ourselves through struggle. In Paris and everywhere in France, let us mobilize on June 29, let us come together. We acquired our rights by pounding the pavement, we intend to protect them by pounding the pavement.

This year, let’s use this festive, political, and anti-fascist march as a banner of our identities. More than ever, it is not simply about supporting LGBTQIA+ people by marching and waving flags, but about fully and actively defending our rights. Our anger is legitimate and it will be all the more beautiful if there are many of us. So, let’s arrive on Saturday, June 29, at Place de la République in Paris, with the assurance of having defended the values ​​of the Republic. Let’s mark History with our most beautiful colors and anger. If we do not want our marches to be banned and our lives proscribed in 2025, under repression and reactionary hatred, LGBTQIA+ and allies: let’s march!

On the eve of the first round of the legislative elections, let us prepare to beat the extreme right at the ballot box and march on fascism!

Illustrative photo credit: Jeremie Lusseau / Hans Lucas via AFP

>> First signatories:

SOS homophobia

>> Signatory organizations :

LGBTI+ Federation
STOP Homophobie
Intersex Activist Collective-OII France
The Human Rights League
APGL – Association of Gay and Lesbian Parents and Future Parents
NELFA – European network of homoparental associations
Melting Point LGBT+
Focus IST
Saint-Denis LGBTQI+
LGBT+ Youth Mag
The Bold and the Daring
Associations Contact (17 associations)
Label Gouine*
Friends of Patchwoork names
Association exaequo, centre LGBTI+ de Reims
Le Girofard – Bordeaux LGBTQIA+ Center
Nosig – Nantes LGBTQIA+ Center
Vendée LGBTQI+ Center
GAGL45 LGBT+ Center of Orléans
Skis, center LGBTI+ de Rennes
LGBT Talents
Insoumise France
Proud and Revolutionaries – PCF (French Communist Party)
Commission LGBTQIA+ EELV
Generation.s LGBT
STRASS, sex work union
CAELIF – Collective of LGBTQIA+ student associations of Île de France 40. Sud Education
Cultural Association of Deaf Gays and Lesbians of France
Association Psy·Gay·e·s
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – Convent of Paname
Cineffable – Paris International Lesbian and Feminist Film Festival
It’s not Broadway, but it’s still pretty.
Equivox, the LGBTQIA+ choir of Paris
Roucoulettes Handball
Paname Boxing Club
Climbing and Sliding Group
Galipettes Associations
Association Judo Makoto
The Gaillards Paris Rugby Club
Randonova Association
Tribago France
Association Mindkit

>> The list of people signatories to be found on the Inter-LGBT and SOS homophobia websites



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