Foch Bridge closed from July 10 for a period of 5 months

As part of the developments in the Foch/Gare sector, the Foch bridge will close to traffic from July 10 for a period of 5 months.

From July 10, the continuation of the development of the Foch Bridge and the Place de la République involves the closure to traffic of the Foch Bridge as well as part of Boulevard Joffre and Rue Mazagran until December 2024. Diversions are planned to maintain motorist access to the station and the city center, as well as to the parking lots around the station. The closure of the Foch Bridge results in the opening in both directions of the Raymond Poincaré Bridge. Pedestrian access is maintained throughout the area under construction. Cyclists will have to dismount.

In order to prepare for this large-scale work, a preliminary project, notably ground marking, is planned on Foch, Saint-Léon and Poincaré streets upstream, announced the Métropole du Grand Nancy in a press release. Part of the marking will be carried out on Foch and Saint-Léon streets the previous week starting on 1is July depending on weather conditions. On rue Poincaré, the marking will be carried out from July 8.

The actual closure of the bridge will take place during the night of Tuesday 9 to Wednesday 10 between midnight and 4 a.m. in order to allow the new traffic plan to be put into service from Wednesday July 10 in the morning.

works center station nancy main plan



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