Périgueux: Why was the peasant confederation demonstrating in front of the CGR this Friday?

Périgueux: Why was the peasant confederation demonstrating in front of the CGR this Friday?
Périgueux: Why was the peasant confederation demonstrating in front of the CGR this Friday?
Around a hundred people gathered to taste artisanal burgers in front of the CGR, on Place Francheville.
Rémi Philippon

Around ten members of the Dordogne peasant confederation held a stand in front of the CGR of Périgueux, on Place Francheville, this Friday, June 28, to protest against the upcoming installation of a Burger King.

Place Francheville is filled with the smell of steak and grilled potatoes. The smell of burgers has attracted many curious onlookers. A little before 1 p.m., a hundred or so buns had already gone. “We have planned for 150 burgers, I don’t know if we’ll have enough,” notes the spokesperson for the agricultural union, François Soulard. Even if the mobilization takes on the appearance of a picnic, the farmers’ message remains clear: stop the junk food that ruins farmers. “Symbolically, what we are doing is important,” emphasizes the spokesperson. “We are proving that we can provide people with a good burger, with local products and by paying producers fairly for only ten euros.”

Challenge the consumer through concrete action

And the formula seems to delight the taste buds. “You really feel refreshed after eating a burger like that, nothing like what you find in fast food restaurants,” Nicole says between two songs. The idea of ​​demonstrating with cooking and good food came quite naturally to the members of the confederation. “It’s much more rewarding for us and our products and people feel immediately involved,” recalls François Soulard. Among the guests is Brigitte, from Périgourdine, she came to support the confederation and fight against the establishment of junk food in Périgueux. “I’m here to defend quality food that nourishes and not poisons. Périgueux must remain a city without fast food.” But what about the many tacos, kebabs and other chains that have set up shop over the years? “It’s not the same,” the activists simply conclude.

But more than junk food, it is above all the lack of remuneration that the peasant confederation denounces. “Burger King buys industrial products at low cost and puts more than half of the profits in its pocket instead of paying the farmers,” denounces the confederation. However, for their burger operation, François Soulard explains that of the ten euros donated by the customer, 3/4 are used to remunerate the farmer and the profits generated will support the union coffers. Operators would appreciate it if Burger King purchased local products. “We are open to discussion with them,” assures the spokesperson.

Aline Amodru-Dervillez


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