A national award for Mickael Manzoni, head butcher at Aqui’Chò

A national award for Mickael Manzoni, head butcher at Aqui’Chò
A national award for Mickael Manzoni, head butcher at Aqui’Chò

This Thursday, June 27, the presentation of the National Trophy for Meat of Excellence was held in La Baule (44).

Mickael Manzoni, head butcher at Aqui’Chò wins a 1st prize

The jury for the National Trophy for Meat of Excellence met and awarded Mickael Manzoni, head butcher at Aqui’Chò in Auch, in the veal category with Label Rouge rosé veal. The jury honored this artisan butcher who found his vocation in his family roots and works to promote all stages of the sector.
This 17th edition continues to highlight the commitment of professionals, whether artisanal butchers or large and medium-sized supermarkets (GMS), engaged in an official Red Label quality and/or Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) approach. ) and who are keen to promote and offer their customers the excellence of French meat.

Through this competition, the role of French butchers is valued, and those involved in the transmission, know-how and guarantee of quality are rewarded for their actions.


Everyone has their own Proust madeleine and for Mickael Manzoni, it is veal. The one he knew at his grandparents’ house, breeders in Puycasquier. The one his father worked on as an operator at the Auch slaughterhouse. Drawing his vocation from his family and regional roots, he began working in 2005 as an apprentice for what was then the Boucherie de l’Abattoir, before being hired 2 years later after obtaining his CAP.

On his stalls, Mickael is keen to promote Label Rouge and regional meat, thanks to his butchery know-how. A recognition of all the players in the sector, who have managed to preserve production methods over time, guarantees of quality. And this love for good food, he shares it with his customers, whom he likes to advise on cooking meat, particularly veal, for which he has a weakness, so that they fully appreciate it.

At Aqui’Chò, Mickael Manzoni is proud to offer his customers quality, traced meats, in a short supply chain. He works mainly with farms in the Gers, whether for veal, beef or pork. For the lamb he opted for regional breeding in Quercy. A choice and a passion that he shares with his team of butchers.

Aqui’Chò, former “Abattoir Butchery”, since 2020, the butcher’s shop has become independent. Renowned “Aqui’chò!” », it has since been managed by 5 associated Gers breeders. The team of professional butchers remained and a new dynamic and commercial offer were put in place. The boutique has become a meeting place for customers looking for quality traditional products, whether for wine or cheese. The same selection rigor is applied by competent professionals.



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