Festival Creazione Bastia – Journal de la Corse

Festival Creazione Bastia – Journal de la Corse
Festival Creazione Bastia – Journal de la Corse
Creazione Bastia 2024, a vintage of shadows and light

The Festivals Bastia Creation has been, since 2015, a major event entirely devoted to fashion, design, arts, innovation and music.
In total, just under fifty creators and designers, unknown, known on a regional, national or international scale, were selected to exhibit their works in the sumptuous setting of the Palais des Gouverneurs, in the heart of the Citadel of Bastia, from June 13 to 15.

Initiated by theBastia intercommunal tourist officethe festivals Creation intends above all to highlight Corsican creation in all its forms and specificities.
The event is intended qualitativesome will say elitistand for artisans who aspire to enter it, the task is arduous.

The criteria taken into account by the organization such as brand awareness, island domiciliation of the head office, or that of a period a minima of activities in the field of fashion or design, sometimes seem to have variable geometry, this is in any case what many designers who participated in the first editions tell us.

Vanina, one of these designers, perplexed, tells us that “it’s not so much the specifications that are rigorous, but rather the selection”
It is true that Corsica is overflowing with talents, more or less accomplished, with real “know-how”, or for some, only an insular assembly finish. How to accurately determine the “fattu in Corsica” label?
Among the creations present at the festival Creationthe public has the opportunity to discover various fields such as jewelry, bags, fashion, cosmetics and even design.
Fashion shows are organized by the different brands, without forgetting the big fashion show common to all the creators which this year attracted, it seems, a few fewer enthusiasts, the opening date being a Thursday, n ‘being not, it is true, accessible to all.

Popular accessibility is precisely one of the weak points of the festival.

As major events, festivals generally constitute a popular effervescence, in and around the city. Anyone who has not experienced the OFF of the Avignon theater festival, or the international photography meetings in Arles cannot claim to have experienced these events.

Here, the common feeling of the residents of the citadel and the traders is that of regret for this “between ourselves”, bordering on the embarrassing. The festival Creationwhich aims to be a window of island creation on the world, does not allow the people of Bastia to get involved in any way, and above all does not allow for economic spin-offs other than those generated by itself. Nothing to do with the events organized on Place Saint Nicolas, or Place du Marché, which directly benefit Bastia traders. The festival’s pricing also leaves out many residents of the most popular Corsican city. If the day rate of 5 euros for the creators’ journey remains entirely reasonable, the night bracelet at 20 euros without consumption to attend the parties seems disproportionate and very selective.

Light side, The Godmother of Publishing Caroline de Maigret really added something to this edition. International model, muse of Chanel et by Vogueshe knew how to bring her experience simply and with class.

The Godfather Patrick Flowerswas able to be available to his fans who came for the occasion, a win-win communication ticket.

Fashion side, Pauline Murati really stood out from the crowd, winning the Young Designer Awarda well-deserved reward for the young Bastiaise whose development we have been following with admiration for several years now.

Atmosphere sidethe hanging garden has kept all its promises, relaxation, food with international flavors of Between usa musical discovery with the group With pitaand a youth who showed up on weekends, evening wear required for girls..

Courtyard side, an overall classic atmosphere, varying little from the usual nustral parties. Note a great performance by the DJ Flo Menk from the South, amazing cocktails smoked with Cannabis Terpenes Event.

This 2024 edition on the theme of Black and White is ultimately the reflection of a city that is searching between shadow and light, between popular traditions and modernity, confronted daily by the social disparities that are eating away at it.



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