Périgueux: Jewelry and paper lamps at the “April 25” boutique

Périgueux: Jewelry and paper lamps at the “April 25” boutique
Périgueux: Jewelry and paper lamps at the “April 25” boutique
Floriana Rebelo offers her own creations and those of two other artisans in her boutique.
Jean-Baptiste Marty

Every week, “DL” presents a business to you. Today, meet Floriana Rebelo, manager of the “25 April” boutique located on rue Limogeanne.

How long have you been based on rue Limogeanne and why?

I have been there for 3 years. I wanted to focus on Rue Limogeanne because, at the time, it was a bit empty and I definitely wanted a shop in the historic center of Périgueux.

We have a big part of crafts with paper jewelry, origami and paper lamps that I make myself. I offer the products of two artisans. Caroline, who makes leather jewelry and fabric creations and Valérie who makes origami decoration. I also sell stainless steel costume jewelry.

I never have a sale, but the prices are affordable all year round. In addition to the shop, I have a stand at the Christmas market every year and I am at the Bugue market on Tuesday, the Ribérac market on Friday and Sarlat on Saturday.

What is your flagship product?

I would say, perhaps, the paper lamps, but I don’t claim to say that it’s a flagship product. It’s just that it really catches the eye because they’re very colorful and you don’t see this kind of original lamp anywhere else. I’m the only lampshade maker in Périgueux, but I don’t do custom-made products.

I want to work on an origami workshop for children, teenagers and adults. For that, we would have to find larger premises to be able to combine the workshop and the shop. Unfortunately, premises of this size in the historic heart are very expensive and it is not accessible for a craftsman.

Jean-Baptiste Marty/DORDOGNE LIBRE

Boutique “25 avril”, 19 rue Limogeanne. Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Monday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.



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