Miscellaneous – Justice – Bastia-Poretta trial: 30 years of criminal imprisonment for Christophe Guazzelli “the soul of the criminal project”

Miscellaneous – Justice – Bastia-Poretta trial: 30 years of criminal imprisonment for Christophe Guazzelli “the soul of the criminal project”
Miscellaneous – Justice – Bastia-Poretta trial: 30 years of criminal imprisonment for Christophe Guazzelli “the soul of the criminal project”

After 8 weeks of trial, the Bouches-du-Rhône Assize Court has just delivered its verdict in the trial of the assassination of Jean-Luc Codaccioni and Antoine Quilichini, known as “Tony the Butcher“, presented as figures of Corsican organized crime.

Named as the perpetrator of the shooting, Christophe Guazzelli, 32, was sentenced to thirty years of criminal imprisonment with a 20-year security sentence. It was he, according to the prosecution who would have fomented the execution plan of the Germani clan, held responsible for the death of his father, Francis Mariani, supposed founding member of the Sea Breeze, shot dead in a lookout- after November 15, 2009.

Alongside him, his brother Richard Guazzelli, 34, was also found guilty of murder and sentenced to 30 years in prison with a 20-year security sentence. Other members of the “orphan clan“according to the police, Ange-Marie Michelosi, whose father was murdered in 2008, was sentenced to 25 years of criminal imprisonment including 15 years of probation for complicity in murder. Accused of criminal association, Jacques Mariani, 58 years old , was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment Considered one of the founding members of Brise de mer, his father, Francis Mariani, was also killed in 2009 in a hangar explosion.

The only accused woman detained, Cathy Chatelain, the “matonne“, was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 23 years in prison.

Recognized as co-perpetrators, Christophe Andreani and Abdel-Hafid Bekouche were sentenced to 25 years, including 13, and 25 years, including 15. And Jaouad Sebbouba to 20 years of criminal imprisonment for complicity. Five other defendants were sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.

As for José Menconi, a figure in Corso-Marseille banditry, and François Marchioni, a former robber who defended himself alone, the court pronounced their acquittal.

Absent from the box since May 21 and the recusal of their lawyers, the main accused detained did not attend the verdict. Only Cathy Chatelain, long auburn hair and closed face, Jimmy Bailleul and Jacques Mariani, received their sentences from the immense glass cage.

The defendants have ten days to file an appeal.



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