New Popular Front: “Whatever the result of the legislative elections, the left alliance must continue”

New Popular Front: “Whatever the result of the legislative elections, the left alliance must continue”
New Popular Front: “Whatever the result of the legislative elections, the left alliance must continue”

Tsunami express. Faced, like the local HQs of political parties, with the crazy calendar caused by the dissolution, the editorial staff of If Saint-Etienne will not be able to be as exhaustive as in 2022, a year with a double electoral deadline. Nevertheless, our site has tried to contact, as far as possible, as many formations as possible in order to understand their strategy, their presence throughout the department and their proposals by 1is tour this Sunday. Fourth part devoted to the Popular Front, one of the only three formations present in each of the constituencies of the territory.

©JT If Saint-Etienne

Immediately after the dissolution of the National Assembly, the rebellious François Ruffin advocated the union of the left and called for the creation of a New Popular Front. It was therefore necessary to react, quickly, to reach an agreement, to establish a program that satisfied La France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, Europe Ecology the Greens, as well as the Communist Party. A unity that may have been fragile in the past, under the banner of Nupes, but which is nevertheless essential and which must be part of the time, according to Isabelle Dumestre, co-campaign director of Pierrick Courbon and his substitute Julie Tokhi, in the 1time Loire constituency. “ Whatever the result of the legislative elections, the left alliance will have to persist. If the New Popular Front is victorious on the evening of July 7, we will need all of its components to succeed and implement the program that we carry together. If the far right wins, we will not be able to afford the luxury of being divided. Maintaining this unity does not seem insurmountable to me. As proof, I can cite the ability we have demonstrated to come together in a few days to meet the challenges. These issues will not have disappeared on July 8 “However, she concedes that this alliance will need to be consolidated, and that certain issues on which there are still divergences will need to be clarified.

Tax effort on high net worth individuals

In the meantime, numerous proposals have already been put forward by the left bloc. First of all, that of canceling the pension and unemployment reform, as well as the immigration law which had caused debate within the majority itself. “ The program of the new Popular Front will enable a strong and rapid increase in the standard of living of the French and a reduction in inequalities. Economists Elvire Guillaud and Mathilde Viennot attest to this in a study published today in Alternatives Économiques. We will quickly put in place measures to restore purchasing power: price freeze, cancellation of the gas price increase planned for 1is July, increase in low wages… “. Thus, the Popular Front estimates that 8 out of 10 French people will see their standard of living increase immediately, with 50% of the most modest households seeing their monthly income increase by an average of 200 euros. The tax effort will be concentrated on very high incomes and very high assets: the richest 10% will be put to contribution in the general interest, with a stronger concentration on the richest 5% and 1%. ».

Second round objective

For Isabelle Dumestre, it is essential that the New Popular Front be present in the second round in as many territories as possible, particularly in the six that make up the department. This is why we have chosen to campaign everywhere, as close to the ground as possible, to exchange directly with the inhabitants on our proposals: in the markets, in front of schools, businesses, door-to-door… We must be able to have a real in-depth debate with our fellow citizens on the project of society. The invectives and anathemas of which we are the victims, particularly from the presidential camp, are not up to the challenges and weaken our democracy even more.”

Personalities mobilized

At the local level, the New Popular Front is supported by 250 personalities from Saint-Etienne, via a platform, with, among the signatories Terrenoire, Ella & Pitr, Juliette Arnaud, Fils Cara, Bernard Lavilliers, and Farid Bouabdellah. In this column, to be read here in its entirety, the signatories indicate: “ Behind its apparent normalization, the National Rally remains a party driven by racist ideas. Behind its speeches aimed at the working classes, the RN does not defend social justice: it voted against measures to increase wages and purchasing power. Behind his claim to protect women and defend the environment, he supports neither ecological measures nor women’s rights. In its words and in its actions, the National Rally constantly attacks progressive ideas and those who carry them. The scores achieved by the RN in the Saint-Etienne territory do not reflect the spirit of our city, welcoming, humanist and cosmopolitan ».

The New Popular Front candidates in the Loire:

1st constituency: Pierrick Courbon and Julie Tokhi

Pierrick Courbon is an association employee. At 38, he is an opposition municipal councilor in Saint-Etienne and departmental councilor of the Loire, member of the Socialist Party.

Julie Tokhi is a municipal and metropolitan councilor and member of Europe Ecologie Les Verts. She is a French as a Foreign Language trainer for foreign adults who have recently arrived in Saint-Etienne.

2nd constituency: Andrée Taurinya and Samir Moulhi

Andrée Taurinya, outgoing MP, is a teacher at the Jean Dasté college, a trade union and community activist. She was secretary of the Law Commission, and vice-president of the France-Palestine friendship group.

3rd constituency: Vincent Bony and Ramona Gonzalez-Grail

Vincent Bony has been mayor of Rive-de-Gier since June 2020, vice-president in charge of roads in Saint-Etienne Métropole and president of the Pays du Gier union. Holder of a master’s degree in contemporary history, he was a collaborator of Marie-George Buffet within her ministerial cabinet. He has been a member of the PCF since 1992.

Ramona Gonzalez-Grail is mayor of La Talaudière and vice-president of Saint-Etienne Métropole in charge of integration and employment. Born in Spain and arrived in France in 1960, she grew up with a father who was a communist sympathizer. She is a retired teacher and a member of the Socialist Party since 2004.

4th district: Bernard Pamelaere et Marie Velly

Bernard Paemelaere (Ondaine) is a former social work trainer and Marie Velly (Pilat) is a laboratory technician. The candidacy is collective. It is supported by all the political components of the New Popular Front. More than 300 people, association activists, unionists and politicians, are involved in this electoral campaign.

5th district: Ismaël Stevenson and Émilie Pissaruk

Ismaël Stevenson has a doctorate in anthropology. He was a candidate for the 2022 legislative elections, leader of France Insoumise Roanne, he is also co-responsible for the Loire departmental fund.

Emilie Pissaruk is the facilitator of the Côte Roannaise action group, she is a sports educator. Both are committed on a daily basis to defending the program of the New Popular Front.

6th constituency: Marie-Paule Olive and Hugo Lantermoz

Marie-Paule Olive, retired professor, 72 years old, left-wing activist since she was 16, at LFI since its creation. Hugo Lantermoz, head of socio-educational service, activist since 2014, joined France Insoumise in 2020



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