The new Ampsin-Neuville lock site will facilitate navigation between Namur and Antwerp

The new Ampsin-Neuville lock site will facilitate navigation between Namur and Antwerp
The new Ampsin-Neuville lock site will facilitate navigation between Namur and Antwerp

Begun in the summer of 2018, the modernization and expansion of the Ampsin-Neuville lock site has been completed.

The old locks, which date back to 1958, have now been replaced by two new infrastructures, the largest of which measures 225 metres long and 25 metres wide, with a capacity of 9,000 tonnes. Parallel to the first, the second has a width of 12.50 metres.

The Ampsin-Neuville lock site constituted until today the last bottleneck on the waterway linking Namur to the maritime ports of Antwerp and northern Europe.

The improvements thus made will allow the passage of larger boats and should significantly reduce the waiting time for boatmen.

On the sidelines of this titanic project, a cycle-pedestrian bridge was built overlooking the lock site and the dam, allowing cyclists and pedestrians to cross the river and the national road 90 which connects Huy to Liège. The bridge connects the municipalities of Huy and Amay.

The longest fish pass in Wallonia was also built. This artificial river facilitates the passage of species evolving in the Meuse and offers them breeding areas.

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