He refused to comply with the police, hit their vehicle and then committed suicide.

He refused to comply with the police, hit their vehicle and then committed suicide.
He refused to comply with the police, hit their vehicle and then committed suicide.

A man who was driving a car refused to comply during a road check on Thursday June 27, 2024 in the Le Garric sector (Tarn), not far from Albi. On a national road, the motorist hit the police car before fleeing, reports France 3 Occitanie A chase then began.

The military eventually caught up with the suspect vehicle, which had stopped in a parking lot. But they could only note the death of the driver who, in possession of a 12-gauge shotgun, had turned the weapon on himself in the passenger compartment. No injuries were reported among the police.

Already arrested a few days earlier

The man was not unknown to the authorities. On June 22, 2024, he took refuge for several hours at his home in Saint-Lieux-Lès-Lavaur (Tarn). It was his partner who then alerted the firefighters, worried about the messages he was sending her, reports The Dispatch .

The firefighters had been threatened with a rifle when they arrived on the scene. Alerted, the gendarmes intervened and finally arrested the suspect on Monday, June 24. Placed in police custody, he was then released. The investigation opened after his death should in particular help to understand why the man was able to keep his weapon after this first episode.



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