Joke cousinage festival: Foundiougne, capital of the promotion of social cohesion

Joke cousinage festival: Foundiougne, capital of the promotion of social cohesion
Joke cousinage festival: Foundiougne, capital of the promotion of social cohesion

Strengthening cultural and historical ties between different communities is one of the objectives of the first edition of the Cousinage à Jokes Festival which will be held from July 13 to 14 in Foundiougne. In a press release, the organizers emphasize that it is also an opportunity “to work for peace and social cohesion.” During this festival, several activities are planned, including the trade fair, artistic platforms, panels, reforestation, culinary art demonstrations, traditional wrestling, among others. According to them, a forum is also planned, focusing on the theme: “The importance of intergenerational dialogue and youth participation in the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage.” Sobel Dione, member of the festival’s organizing committee added: “The ‘joking’ kinship remains an ancestral link that exists in Senegal between the Joola, Serer, Pulaar, Lebou communities, etc. It is important to build on this legacy through such initiatives. Such a positive legacy that contributes greatly to the harmony of social relations between the different communities.” This is because, according to the festival organizers, “with poverty and globalization, collective life tends to disappear, thus pushing people to forget the links existing between communities”. And it is particularly young people who risk losing these ancestral ideals.

The choice of Foundiougne is explained by its cultural diversity. It is an area that brings together all ethnic groups, including Diolas, Mandingos, Toucouleurs, Sereres, Lebous, etc. It is, adds Sobel Dione et Cie, “valorize culture”. The promoters of this two-day joking Cousin Festival aim to make the event an annual event. “The goal is not to stay in one place, but to hold it in several environments, Serere, Halpulaar, Lébou, etc. This will allow people to better understand other cultures. they specify. Before calling on the diaspora to “to immerse oneself in this initiative which will allow young people born abroad.”



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