TO SEE | Young criminal from India tries to enter Canada…disguised as an elderly person

TO SEE | Young criminal from India tries to enter Canada…disguised as an elderly person
TO SEE | Young criminal from India tries to enter Canada…disguised as an elderly person

A 24-year-old Indian man suspected of human trafficking reportedly failed to evade authorities after he tried to evade justice by disguising himself as an elderly person to board an Air Canada flight.

“The vigilant staff [de la police fédérale] intercepted a Canada-bound passenger involved in human trafficking and identity theft. The pax attempted to travel by posing as an elderly person and using false documents,” the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) said last week on X.

It was using the passport of a sixty-year-old that Guru Sewak Singh allegedly attempted to board a flight from Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, India, to Canada, the “New York Post” reported Friday.

Screenshot taken from Platform X

Except that in an attempt to imitate the appearance of the 67-year-old man in the image, the young suspect allegedly dyed his beard, in addition to adding glasses to hide his face.

But that would not have been enough to fool police authorities, who noticed that the man in front of them did not match the passport image, belonging instead to Rashvindar Singh Sahota, from Punjab. It was especially the texture of her young skin as well as the tone of her voice that tipped them off, reported Now Toronto.

After being taken aside, the young man ended up revealing his true identity before being handed over to the Delhi police, according to the “NY Post”.

According to the American media, this is not the first time that an individual has tried to leave India using this ploy: in 2019, Jayesh Patel, 32, arrived at the same airport in a wheelchair, pretending to be a frail 81-year-old man who could no longer walk.

The authorities would have seen through his game since the fake octogenarian, who wanted to go to New York, avoided the gaze of the customs officers, and that “despite his gray hair, his skin seemed quite young, because there were practically no wrinkles on his face,” noted the “NY Post.”



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