Clermont. The Chinese breakdance team at the Olympic Games on Monday July 1

Clermont. The Chinese breakdance team at the Olympic Games on Monday July 1
Clermont. The Chinese breakdance team at the Olympic Games on Monday July 1
The Alex Seghers complex in Clermont (Oise) welcomes the Chinese breakdance team to the Paris Olympics on Monday, July 1. – Photo: 2023 François Nerrand / Oise Hebdo

Clermont finally has its Olympic delegation…For one day only. The city welcomes the Chinese breakdance team on Monday July 1st. This will present a public training session in the Alex Seghers sports complex, rue Henri-Breuil, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

School children will have the pleasure of discovering the athletes first. Subsequently, it will be the turn of the general public, from 4 p.m.

You have to register

But, given the importance, the expected crowd and some basic safety rules, you must register in advance, over the next three days. This event is strictly subject to registered name (with presentation of an identity document on the day).

“We were able to have this presence thanks to one of the coaches,” explains Mayor Lionel Ollivier. “He happens to live in Beauvais. The delegation therefore agreed to come and give a demonstration.”

No delegation in residence in Clermont

However, if he is satisfied with this demonstration, the mayor of Clermont can hardly hide a slight disappointment. For several months, the municipality has tried to bring in an Olympic delegation for their physical preparation for the Paris Olympic Games.

The Alex Seghers sports complex, which was to be built in 2023, was to attract international athletes. Clermont had also obtained the “Land of Games” label.

“Few delegations in the Oise”

“It’s true, we would have liked to have a delegation,” explains Lionel Ollivier. But few have chosen L’Oise for their preparation.” And to choose to see the glass half full. “We have this demonstration and we have new equipment that will be used by the students of Cassini High School and the sports associations.

Registrations at 03 44 50 85 00 or at [email protected] outside switchboard opening hours.



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