A refrigerator appears to have fallen onto a car in Villeray, but is this really the case?

A curious scene got many people talking on the Internet this Thursday morning.

According to what we could see in images taken by Internet user Mathieu Carbasse and then taken up by the popular Instagram page FuckNoMtl, a fridge seems to have fallen from the third floor onto a car parked on the side of Rue de Liège Est.

• Read also: Employees of a Montreal construction site jump rope and it gets Internet users talking

A broken yellow rope dangling from the balcony and the damaged railing of the latter suggest the tragedy that played out: careless movers underestimated the weight of the household appliance before attempting to hoist it into the apartment from the top of the building.

Too heavy and/or poorly attached, the Frigidaire would have fallen on the poor car parked in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But as you may have read in the thumbnail accompanying the image, it would be a staging aimed at raising awareness in the run-up to Moving Day, which will be celebrated as every year on July 1st.

To be honest, we suspected it a little when we saw the first photos of the scene.

First, it was unclear how the fridge had fallen onto the car, when in theory it was above the sidewalk. (Falling fridges don’t move horizontally through the air. They go very very very vertically.)

Second, it is unclear why anyone would think of lifting a large refrigerator to the third floor with just an ordinary yellow rope.

• Read also: [VOX POP] These Montrealers Have a Lot to Say About Moving Day

And thirdly, the car having received a refrigerator on its head, a 2013 Nissan Sentra with no wheel caps, seemed to us the ideal candidate to be purchased at a low price in a scrapyard for the specific purpose of receiving a refrigerator on the head.

You’re intoxicated!

Singer-songwriter Daniel Bélanger passed by this morning and also immortalized the scene on the information highway.

That being said, if you are moving at the end of the week, be careful of stupid ideas that could land you in the Miscellaneous section of the Journal de Montréal and bend your knees when you pick up a box.


Did you understand that it was arranged with the views guy?

Of course, I am the epitome of insight. I never get caught.


Not at all! Besides, I still have doubts. Do you have any proof that it is a “stunt”?

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