“Foreigners Out” Evening in Rouen: Gérald Darmanin Wants to Dissolve the Association

“Foreigners Out” Evening in Rouen: Gérald Darmanin Wants to Dissolve the Association
“Foreigners Out” Evening in Rouen: Gérald Darmanin Wants to Dissolve the Association


Thomas Rideau

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 10:29 a.m.

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Friday June 28, 2024, the Minister of the Interior indicated on France Info that he was going to request the dissolution of the Mora association (which legally bears the name Union Normande de France), based in Rouen (Seine-Maritime). The latter is at the origin of the “foreigners outside” evening which aroused strong reactions.

For a week, associations and elected officials, the mayor of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol in the lead, denounced this evening. The town hall first issued an order. Contested by the association whose lawyers filed an interim release to suspend it.

Ban on demonstrating

At the same time, associations and unions have indicated their desire to demonstrate against the holding of the event. The Seine-Maritime prefecture has therefore placed a ban on demonstrations in the Mora sector to avoid possible unrest.

Latest episode to date, a few hours before the start of the “Foreigners Outside” evening, Gérald Darmanin clarified in the morning, to our colleagues at France Info, that he was going to dissolve this association.

“Never too late to prevent the enemies of the Republic from operating”

« On will invest investigation services of the Ministry of the Interior,” he announced. “It will take several weeks,” he warned, because this dissolution can only be done in the Council of Ministers. “It is never too late to prevent the enemies of the Republic from operating.”

A demonstration against this evening will take place in the city center of Rouen, rue Jeanne-d’Arc, a few hundred meters from the Mora. But also a stone’s throw from the Place de la Cathédrale where Raphaël Glucksmann’s meeting will be held at the same time. The early evening may be lively in Rouen.

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