“More than 5,000 young people supported throughout the territory” by this local Mission

“More than 5,000 young people supported throughout the territory” by this local Mission
“More than 5,000 young people supported throughout the territory” by this local Mission

The local Mission of the Mancelle metropolitan area, which has just been certified for its quality of service, held its general assembly. Meeting with its president, Quentin Portier.

What does this label which has just been awarded to the Mancelle Local Mission represent?

Quentin Porter : “This label rewards the investment of our employees in favor of the success of young people. It is the recognition of a level of excellence in our mission of social and professional integration for 18-25 year-olds, on the social dimension around, for example, housing, mobility, mastery of the French language or even childcare. And then, our mission also consists of putting our young people in a situation of qualifying training, access to qualification or integration in partnership with companies.”

What do you remember from the year 2023?

“This is an increase in activity, a record year. The Mission Locale team has been strengthened with the arrival of 20 additional employees. As a result, more than 5,000 young people have been supported throughout the territory, namely Le Mans Métropole and four surrounding communities of communes. Let’s add more than 1,000 entries into youth commitment contracts (CEJ) with positive exits, permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts, training, subsidized contracts, for almost half of them. Efforts that have been partly concentrated on neighborhoods dependent on the city’s policy. A dynamic job market and good integration of young people into the company have reduced the unemployment rate in our employment area.”

What do you expect from the current year?

“The full employment law, which transforms Pôle emploi into France travail, applied since the beginning of the year, will materialize for us through the establishment of local employment networks and refined work with companies on the employment area. We will be vigilant in defending the specificities of this support and maintaining the means, particularly with regard to the social dimension. The year 2024 will also allow us to continue our process of reflection on the associative project by involving administrators and employees. »


More information on 02 43 84 16 60 and on the website https://www.mlmans.info/



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