The club demands respect for Bentaleb

The club demands respect for Bentaleb
The club demands respect for Bentaleb

Axel Allag, Media365, published on Thursday June 27, 2024 at 9:00 p.m.

Hospitalized on June 18 following a heart attack, Nabil Bentaleb inevitably focuses the attention of LOSC, which firmly clarified his case in the face of recent rumors of a possible end of career for the Algerian international midfielder.

Lille is very upset about recent press articles about the health and sporting future of Nabil Bentaleb. On June 18, following a heart attack, the midfielder was hospitalized and while LOSC has since mentioned reassuring news with the prospect of a possible return home for the player, the northern club had to communicate again this Thursday. Indeed, our colleagues at RMC mentioned earlier this Thursday that the player had suffered a cardiac arrest during a five in which he allegedly participated on June 18. A cardiac defibrillator was reportedly needed to revive the player, who spent several days in an artificial coma, according to RMC.who also indicated that a pacemaker-defibrillator had been fitted to stabilise his cardiac activity.

“Shocked”, LOSC demands respect for Bentaleb’s privacy

A possible end to his career was also put forward and, faced with this, LOSC therefore had to react. Thus, the northern club requested respect for the state of health of its player. “LOSC is shocked and surprised that these subjects are being brought into the public arena. As it had already done, the LOSC first calls for the most absolute respect for private life and the confidentiality of personal medical information. He then invites everyone to show patience, prudence and moderation on sensitive, confidential subjects, for which there is to date no response to provide”, we can read in the official press release. “Again , LOSC and Nabil Bentaleb sincerely thank all those who provided the many expressions of support,” the LOSC press release ends.

Under contract until June 2026 with LOSC, Nabil Bentaleb (53 caps and 5 goals with Algeria) had seen his return to LOSC be marked by the fact that myocarditis had been diagnosed during his medical examination. “The doctor wanted to do an MRI and we saw that there was a little inflammation in the myocardium (heart muscle). I was asymptomatic so I was taken aback, it was hard to believe. But we trust to medical advice and we make do with it,” he said in comments reported by the sports daily.



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