They came from Paris to Dour by car, the trunk of which was stuffed with drugs: they were sentenced to 18 months in prison

They came from Paris to Dour by car, the trunk of which was stuffed with drugs: they were sentenced to 18 months in prison
They came from Paris to Dour by car, the trunk of which was stuffed with drugs: they were sentenced to 18 months in prison

On July 13, 2023, a car registered in the Paris region entered the VIP parking lot of the Dour festival. The driver had entered the wrong parking lot, but his appearance as a hoodlum from the projects aroused the curiosity of the police officers present on the site.

The police carried out a search of the individuals and the car. The dog plunges its nose into the trunk. In the suitcases, the police found an undetermined quantity of narcotics. Obviously, these guys didn’t just come to listen to music.

They are deprived of their liberty and placed under arrest warrant by an investigating judge. They are sent to preventive detention. Abdou, the driver of the car, shows off during his first appearance before the council chamber, presenting false pay slips. The judge is not fooled, he is the only one to remain in prison. His friends are released after a few months of preventive detention.

The driver contested

Abdou appeared in custody before the chamber of the criminal court reserved for prisoners. He contested the facts, stating that he was the only one with a driving license and that a man from the city had given him a car to go to Belgium to meet a certain Konrad at the Dour festival. He stated that he was not aware that there were drugs in the car.

Four Parisians arrive at the Dour festival, the trunk of their car was loaded with narcotics

The court did not believe him and sentenced him to 18 months in prison, as well as a three-month sentence for forgery and use of forged documents.

Kevin was the only one who was honest in this story.”Everyone knew there were drugs in the trunk“, he declared during the trial. He benefits, like a third thief, from a probationary suspension of the 18-month prison sentence.



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