Perpignan Court: 300 kg pollen or resin? The difference is in the millions

Perpignan Court: 300 kg pollen or resin? The difference is in the millions
Perpignan Court: 300 kg pollen or resin? The difference is in the millions

Upon discovering the drug hidden in the floor of the truck, customs officers initially thought they had got their hands on 300 kg of cannabis pollen, but after analysis, the laboratory decided that it was “only” resin.

This June 19, customs officers are carrying out checks at the Boulou toll. A little feeling advised them to unload this German semi-trailer driven by two Russians. Their instinct did not deceive them. The floor has been partially hollowed out and, in the cells, nearly 300 kg of cannabis are interspersed. At first glance, it would be pollen, a very popular drug because it is rich in THC and very popular at the moment. Its value estimated by customs is €12 per gram.

The two Russians are sent back to court. Sergei, the driver, takes everything on himself, his passenger, Denis, is supposedly just a sort of helper, an intern learning the trade while taking advantage of free rides. He buys vehicle parts in Germany to resell them in Spain. He is supposedly unaware of anything. However, he has made three round trips with Sergi, is in contact with a certain Yoma who gives the driving instructions. The two men risk, in addition to the prison sentence, a huge fine of several million euros. But then the customs representative announces that the verdict of the laboratory has been given, it is in fact hashish and not pollen, value given: €2 per gram.

Faced with a prosecutor, who puts the participation of the two men on an identical level and requires 3 years, Me Diab scraps to defend Denis: “What’s wrong with helping a friend learn the trade and managing the journey to help him? In any case, if there is even a little doubt, it must benefit him”. As for the second man, Mr.e Djorfe, recalls that given the tense relations with Russia, his expulsion, to serve his sentence at home, will not be possible, and that the quantum of the sentence must be reduced.

This will not be the case: 3 years and a €616,000 fine.



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