“We must stop the massacre”: dozens of pigeons killed with lead rifles in the Barrou district

“We must stop the massacre”: dozens of pigeons killed with lead rifles in the Barrou district
“We must stop the massacre”: dozens of pigeons killed with lead rifles in the Barrou district

Since the beginning of May, at least five pigeons have been killed in Barrou. Two local residents are sounding the alarm.

“The pigeon that I found on Thursday had both broken legs. He was in too much pain. The veterinarian told me that he had to be euthanized…” For several months, the peaceful residential area of ​​Barrou has been transformed into an aerial war zone where birds are mysteriously shot down with rifles. In the middle of Rue des Cormorans, located in the heart of the peninsula, Marie-Ange Liguori was living in peaceful retirement when the birds started falling into her garden.

“My son saw the lead flying over his head”

“There have always been shootings, but it remained rare. Until now, we were looking for excuses. But when there were more and more, we became seriously worried, she deciphers. For example, recently, we were on the terrace as a family. And suddenly, we heard a whistle above our heads. My son saw the lead fly. It scares me, for my children, my grandchildren, the children I look after…”

“We find dead or injured pigeons in different places in the neighborhood, it’s very localized. The shooter(s) must live not very far away,” estimates Margot Sanchis, secretary of the Apsa association (Aide protection rescue animals), which took up this story.

“It’s certain”retorts Marie-Ange. “When did the shootings take place?”Margot asks him. “Any time of the day”says Marie-Ange. “So he’s someone who has some free time. He also has to shoot from a multi-story building since the pellets flew over your head!” hypothesizes the secretary of Apsa.

Two complaints filed

The two friends and residents of Barrou do not have any proof. They also do not know the motivations of these “acts of human cruelty”.

Perhaps a person who is tired of being bothered by pigeons and has found a solution that is not the right one? Or another who has fun and sees it as a leisure activity? “We have no idea and whatever the reason, it’s atrocious. Only the purpose matters: a person hunts in town and shoots down birds that didn’t ask for anything. There are a few in the neighborhood , but it’s not Venice here!”complains Margot.

To obtain answers, the two women filed a complaint against X, Marie-Ange as a resident, Margot on behalf of the association, which is also a civil party. The first also sent a letter to the mayor. The second made a referral to which the municipality has not yet responded.

A resident who became a caregiver

While waiting for answers, Marie-Ange continues to see the birds falling: “Five have died since the beginning of May. There have been dozens of injured people that we take to the vet, then I treat them at home and then give them to people in Béziers who take care of them. And on top of that, there are the pigeons and turtledoves that we can’t find.” The resident and the association share the veterinary costs and it is expensive.

More than 200 euros for one and more than 500 euros for Apsa. “A significant part of our budget goes into this care. The association needs the help of volunteers to have leads and donations to continue”reveals the secretary. “Besides that, we must above all find the shooter and stop the massacre. This is the most urgent thing.” Hoping it happens quickly.



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