Cédric Heymans deciphers the final and the culture of victory in Toulouse

Cédric Heymans deciphers the final and the culture of victory in Toulouse
Cédric Heymans deciphers the final and the culture of victory in Toulouse

Posted by K. D. June 27, 2024

A few days before a colorful Top 14 final between Stade Toulousain and Bordeaux-Bègles, the former Stade winger, now a consultant, Cédric Heymansprovides a relevant analysis of this major event in French rugby and the famous Toulouse culture of victory.

“You only count if you win”: a cultural heritage in Toulouse

Winner of multiple titles with Toulouse, Heymans knows the importance of the culture of success within the club. Explaining this way of thinking, he shares the words of the ex-coach Guy Noves :

“If you want to exist, you have to win. »

Cédric Heymans

He emphasizes that this philosophy permeates the team and Ugo Linethe current coach, would certainly agree with this state of mind.

Toulouse against Bordeaux: a question of favorite

Although he recognizes Toulouse as favorite for the final, thanks to its experience and its squad, Heymans warns that nothing is decided in advance. It underlines the energy and motivation of Bordeaux-Bègles which, led by the former Toulousain Yannick Brucould surprise and put pressure on the Rouge et Noir.

Bordeaux-Bègles and the challenge of decompression

After a fierce semi-final against Stade Français, Bordeaux-Bègles must avoid any form of premature relaxation. Heymans, having faith in Bru’s influence, believes the coach will keep his team focused on the end goal.

He also points out the emotional impact of the words of Jefferson Poirot, who, after the semi-final, paid tribute to the members of the club. For Heymans, it reflects a group between two generations eager to make their mark.

A battle of styles and philosophies

Addressing the differences in play, Heymans finds that the two finalists favor an attacking game, but underlines the versatility of Stade Toulousain which seems to have more than one string to its bow.

Eventually, Heymans qualifies his analysis by evoking the dangerousness of the UBB wingers, recognizing a certain Bordeaux advantage in this area.

The conclusion of an intense season

The grand final between Toulouse and Bordeaux-Bègles is therefore shaping up to be the theater of sporting philosophies and the culmination of a thrilling season.

With the experience of a veteran of the pitch like Cédric Heymans to shed light on the issues, this final promises to be historic for the two clubs concerned. The kick-off will be on June 28th and will surely be worth a visit for any rugby fan..

Photo :Icon Sport



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